Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Let’s talk about rain today, the rain of the Holy Spirit, the soon-coming reign of the Lord Jesus Christ on this earth, the reign of His righteousness right now.

In order to have rain in the natural, moisture has to have formed in the clouds. I am not a scientist and don’t understand the whole process but I know that rain cannot come without prior moisture conditions being set up. Even so, with the Lord, prior conditions must be set up for the rain of His Spirit. Those prior conditions are praise and worship, spending time in His Presence adoring Him and worshipping Him for Who He is. We must have hearts that are tuned to His channel, poised for His Presence to be manifest. In the days in which we are living, this is going to be a major factor for the glory of God that is manifest in our midst. He comes where He is invited and where He is welcome. He is a Gentleman and will not come where He is not welcome.

There are so many things that can block His welcome. One of the greatest things in my life and I am sure in the lives of many of you is this thing called TIME and the busyness of the life we tend to live here in America. All of the things I do are good things but are they beneficial for my relationship with the Lord? That is the question. Keith Moore said something the other day that put me in perspective regarding my life. He said that people get angry with him sometimes because he doesn’t always minister to everyone or talk with them when they request it. He noticed in the early years of his ministry that he was exhausted all the time and he asked the Lord about it and the Lord showed him that he was not being obedient with his time. Not everyone who asked to talk with him was going to do anything about it. All they wanted to do was talk for several hours and get things “off their chest.” The Lord showed him that was a waste of his time. That was an eye-opener for me. Perhaps we all need to ask the Lord to show us where we are wasting His time on seemingly “legitimate” things related to our life and our family and job and earthly responsibilities. (You know, it is really His time that He has set up for us on this earth.)

We cannot have rain without Him. And to have Him manifest Himself, we must spend time with Him in the spirit realm, learning His ways, worshipping Him, quietly loving Him without all the cacophony of the outside noise of the world. I know that the best gift we can give the Lord this year is our own time and lives and be obedient to use it as He wisely directs.

Let it rain. Len Mink has a new CD album and on the CD is a song called Healing Rain. I love that song. That’s really what it is all about. Jesus wants us to be whole, spiritually healthy and vibrant in the spirit. Then the rest of our lives will line up. Rain is so refreshing, isn’t it. It revitalizes the plants and nurtures the flowers. We are God’s flowers that He wants to nurture, to see grow. We absolutely thrive, flourish in His Presence. America, wake up. Body of Christ, wake up. Take a look at what is important.

We will finish this Pearls today by talking about the Lord reigning in our lives. He reigns in righteousness. What does that mean? His way of thinking and doing things must be what governs our lives, not something else that we think will work. When someone or something is reigning in your life, that is the ruling force in your life, the governing force that is over all your life. When the Lord Jesus Christ is reigning in every area of our lives, we are so contented, so happy, so peaceful, so lacking in fretting and anxiety. That is our test to know whether He is reigning or not. Are we contented and peaceful or are we anxious and disturbed? If we are trusting Him with all of our lives, He is in charge and we are at rest, peacefully grazing in the meadow as all good sheep do. We are the sheep of His pasture. Glory to God. I believe that He is raining and reigning in your life and mine today.