Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Answer To "May I Help You" Is God's Grace

May I help you? We hear those words frequently this time of the year when we are shopping. There are stores who still have clerks who do that. Yes, there are. Not everything has become modernized to the point of pushing out the human factor.

I find it interesting that in God’s Word He tells us to come boldly before the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find GRACE TO HELP in the time of need. God always has the answer for us when we call out to Him in time of need. His answer is to be found in His Word every time. Sometimes, though, people are too frenetic to stop and listen for the answer. In time of need, stop, get still and listen. God will speak to you and give you your answer. Rather than standing and wringing our hands, we must come BOLDLY before His throne. And His throne is called a throne of grace.

What is grace? The Lord has given people definitions of His grace, but I think the greatest definition I ever heard is that it is God’s love, which is His ability, extended to us with no conditions whatsoever attached. At God’s throne is the fullness of His very being. God is love. It is a throne of love. God is light. It is a throne of light. In God is life. It is a throne of life. At the throne of God is the authority of God. A throne is where the king sits. God sits on His throne and He tells us that we can come boldly before His throne of grace. Not only can we come boldly before His throne of grace but also we are seated with Christ in heavenly places where the throne of God is.

At the throne of God we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. There are times when we need mercy. We don’t necessarily deserve it sometimes, but we still need it. And what is so awesome is that God supplies mercy for us. And His grace is boundless, limitless, without boundaries, readily supplied and freely given.

As we give, we see in 2 Corinthians 9:7,8 that our giving releases the abounding grace of God. Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. God’s grace abounds toward a cheerful giver. Why is that? God is a giver and when He makes connection with a giver, there is an explosion of power in that union. When we have God’s nature, we want to give because it is then part of our nature.

Look at Romans 5:17. We who receive the abundance of God’s grace and His free gift of righteousness shall reign as kings in this life through Jesus Christ. We see from this verse that we are to receive God’s abundant grace. When we do, we reign as kings in this life. How does a king reign? A king reigns in majesty, splendor, honor. He has what he needs to operate his kingdom. Everything in that kingdom is available for him to use. Even so, everything in God’s kingdom is available for His children to use.

What is the key to receiving? What must we do to receive? Do we wait until the need is so great that we are going down for the third time? Why do we as God’s children see need instead of seed and harvest? People envision what they are taught. When you are taught the truth of Who your God truly is, there is not a need in the world that He has not already made provision for. We are not coming before His throne of grace with our head bowed down and our hands hanging at our side, dragging our feet in dejection. No, we are coming boldly before His throne to be given from His vast supply that which He has already provided for us. He is Jehovah Jireh, our provider. He has made the provision before we ever had to ask. He looks at you and says: May I help you?

This picture at the throne is not of a little beggar desperately crying out: Somebody help me. No, the true picture is of a child of the King coming into daddy’s throne room, walking up to His throne and expecting Father to take care of you. Father, I am coming to you for mercy. There is an infirmity here, a temptation to weakness of my flesh, for which I need mercy. Because of the limitation imposed by my flesh, I cannot produce results in my own ability. I need your help. And Father says: Yes, receive My mercy and avail yourself of My grace which is given to you as well-timed help. Receive freely.

Grace is not cheap. It costs Jesus everything. We are not to abuse God’s grace. He paid the ultimate price of His life on the cross for you and me to be able to avail ourselves of the grace of God. Without His grace, we cannot accomplish what is necessary on this earth. Our assignments are dependent upon His grace operating in us and through us. Jesus, our High Priest, is at that throne of grace. He understands our weaknesses and inability to produce results on our own. He took on a flesh and blood body and experienced that which we experience. He is there at the throne of grace to help us, but there is a key.

The key in this whole process of getting help from God is found in verse 14 of Hebrews 4, just 2 verses before the verse on coming boldly to the throne of grace----LET US HOLD FAST OUR CONFESSION (OF FAITH).