The Past Does Not Dictate Your Future
One of the greatest deterrents to our future is our past. There have been times when all of us have been disappointed or discouraged or angry or hurt and upset, when things did not work the way we thought they should have. I know this comes as no great revelation to you, but it was not God who messed things up. We were either ignorant and didn’t know enough or we were disobedient or we were impatient or we let go of our faith. God is not the problem. I know this is going to shock you, but so many times the devil is not our problem either. We give him far too much credit for our messups. He really did not have to help. We did quite well on our own.
Past mistakes are gone. We all must “get over it” and move on. There are things that have happened in my life in the past that so drained me of hope. I would even quote the scripture to God that hope deferred makes the heart grow sick. I blamed him for my failures and defeats and the lack of answered prayer. When the dust settled and the air cleared and I was quiet before the Lord, I would see where there were doors I had left open for defeat. And even if God did not reveal to me what happened, I have learned to be content in God’s presence and let Him do the driving of the vehicle of my life. Since I am a fixer and a doer, that has been a learning experience for me to settle back and let the Lord do the fixing and the doing.
Let’s all remember that the past is the past. Let’s get on with the design of our lives, having confidence in God Who is the architect and builder of our whole life structure.
Let us be convinced and sure of this very thing: He Who began a good work in us will bring it to full completion in us (Phil. 1:6). With the Apostle Paul, let us forget those things which are behind and reach forth to those things which are set before us, pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling (Phil. 3:14).
Finally, with the Prophet Isaiah we say that we do not remember the former things; neither do we consider the things of old. Rather, we behold the Lord God doing a new thing in our lives. It is springing forth; we perceive it and know it and give heed to the new work. God is even making a way in the wilderness of our lives and producing the healing waters of His rivers of life in our deserts (Isaiah 43:18,19).
Today is the new day that the Lord has made for us. We will rejoice in this new day and be glad in it.
We are in Christ. All things have become new. We are new creations. We have put on the new man and have come by a new and living way in Christ Jesus, singing a new song because our names are written in the Lamb’s book of life and He has made all things new. (1 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15; Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10; Heb. 10:20; Rev. 5:9; Rev. 14:3)
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