What Is Your Vision?
In order to get a vision for yourself, first you must know who you are in Christ and Who Christ is in you. You need to meditate on the scriptures that tell you who you are in Him and Who He is in you. There are many of them. Bro. Kenneth Hagin has a little minibook called IN HIM that you might want to purchase. I have those scriptures typed out and in my prayer notebook. Many people don’t have an accurate image of who they are. Then when temptations come, they succumb to the devil’s beckoning because they don’t know who they are. When a person knows who they are in Christ, they know their authority over the enemy and his enticements. The temptations come and they say, No, that is not who I am. This is who I am.
I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Old things have passed away. All things are become new. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus Who loves me and gave Himself for me. My mind is renewed by the Word of God. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I am not my own. I was bought with a price. In Him I live and move and have my being. Because I am in Christ, I am sanctified in Him, set apart unto Him, and He is made unto me wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. I am redeemed, set free, released, set at liberty from the curse of the law and placed in The Blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no condemnation to me who is in Christ Jesus, who walks after the Spirit of God and not after my flesh. I am led by the Spirit of God. The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. I am a person of purpose. I am a person of vision. I have the power of God, which is His love, operating in me. I am led by the Holy Spirit of God at all times.
When you know who you are in Christ, let Him paint the picture of your future for you with His Word and don’t let the devil paint a picture on the canvas of your heart. He’ll tell you all kinds of negative stuff about yourself. If you buy it, you take ownership of it. First, he places a thought in your mind, then he accuses you with that thought and says, “See, that’s who you are really are.” At that point you have a choice: You can either agree with him or agree with the Word of God and what Jesus says about you. It doesn’t have to do with your feelings or how it looks in the natural but it has to do with you, deliberately, on purpose, choosing to say, think, see and believe what the Word of God says you are.
God’s vision is what you want. But you have to seek Him and let Him tell you what that vision is and give you the step-by-step plan to fulfill that vision. John Bevere has said that when we stand before the Lord, we will be accountable for what we were called to do, not what we thought or what we chose to do on our own. That’s a definite must to think about today.
According to Proverbs 29:18, remember that without a vision, you perish, are naked, uncovered with no purpose and no direction, aimlessly wandering around, tossed to and fro and never accomplishing anything.
I have been listening to Pastor George Pearsons teaching on emic.org on VISION and he had a vision assessment test for all of us to take. I am going to pass it on to you. There are 5 questions.
What or whose ministry or church vision are you connected to that is bigger than you are and what is its short-term and long-term goals?
What is your personal vision, and what are your short-term and long-term goals?
Where do you see yourself in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?
Do you have a strategic, step-by-step plan in place to accomplish your vision?
Do your thoughts and conversations drift back to the past or do they reach out to the future?
Another thing Pastor Pearsons said is that there are two keys to being a person of vision
Feed on the bigness of God and connect with a vision bigger than your own.
Speak this all the time: I am led of the Holy Spirit of God and I am a man/woman of vision.
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