The Image of God
What does all this mean? Because of Adam and Eve’s sin of disobedience to God, they doomed the whole human race to disconnect from the life, the anointing of God Almighty. Jesus came; He took our place on the cross as our substitute and paid the penalty for sin and all its consequences of sickness and disease, poverty, lack, depression, worry, anxiety, failure and defeat. Because He took our place and the consequences of sin, we are now free of all these things. Jesus stepped up and took the judgment meant for us and the consequent incarceration in hell. Now we are free. But we are not free if we don’t know about that freedom. It’s like a prisoner who has committed a crime and must serve his sentence for that crime once he is judged guilty. And, lo and behold, someone steps up and says: I’ll serve his sentence and pay the penalty of his crime. That would take a pretty big person to do that, wouldn’t it—someone who is willing to give up his freedom and be put in bondage for that person, even when he knows that person is guilty. But Jesus was foreordained to do this before the foundation of the world, before mankind was ever created. But you as a prisoner will never walk free if no one tells you that you are free. That is our job as born-again believers. We are to tell those who are bound that someone named Jesus has paid the price for their freedom. They can walk out of their jail cell of sin any time into the freedom of Jesus and His righteousness.
All that being stated, what does it mean to be made in the image of God? God thinks; He speaks what He thinks; what He speaks, creates. That’s the way you and I are created. Only there is one problem with this whole process. People are thinking and speaking and creating the wrong things for themselves because they have been trained to think and speak and create the way the world system, which is under satan, is set up. Just as we must go and tell people they are free, we must teach them how to embrace a new system of thinking, speaking and creating.
It is very simple: Satan has taught the human race to think what they see, what they feel, what they hear in this world because satan is the God of this world system. God’s system is to think, speak and create from His Word. Let me give you an example. You feel a lump in your body. If you are still thinking under satan’s system, you will ponder that thing, feel it, think about it. Oh, I wonder if??????????? That is taking that which is on the outside and taking it inside you and creating an image in your mind and heart of lump. But God’s system works this way. You take the Word of healing inside you and meditate on it until you create an image on the inside of you of healing and health that comes from the inside out to the outside and creates health, lump dissolved. What is on the inside of you will come out. And satan knows that. He knows how God’s kingdom operates. So, satan tries to use his system of senses from the outside of you, based on what you see, what you feel, what you hear outside you and get you to internalize it in your mind and in your heart and he has got you. Why? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. That is a law. It works for both the sinner and the saint, for both good and bad. Regardless of whether you agree with this law or not, it still works the same way for everyone all the time. And what God wants you to do is to use His system which takes what He is and how He works (information gotten from His Word) and internalize that in your mind and in your heart. Then what comes out of your mouth, what you speak is health, and not disease. And health is what you will have.
Satan’s system comes from the OUTSIDE world into you, you ponder it and you create. God’s system comes from His Word INSIDE you, you ponder it and you create. Both work. Both create images. And images produce our words that we speak. Why? Because you and I were created to operate the way God operates. The images inside you create your life, whether it is for good or bad. We speak from images. I’ll prove that to you. When I say cat, there is an image that immediately comes to you, based on what you have in your mind. When I say cat, I think of a black and white cat named Roxanne, our cat. You thought something else, didn’t you, based upon what is in your mind.
I challenge you to take the next month of November and purpose in your mind and heart to think only what the Word says. Keep the Word of God ever before you. Every time you even start to think something contrary to the Word, grab your Bible and speak scripture verses. Particularly speak verses that address your situation, whatever it may be. This exercise is not for you to do, just because you want relief from your situation. Rather, it is for one purpose only—to create a different image inside you. Images produce. This is not for you to try to strive to improve your situation. It is for you to change the image on the inside of you, nothing else. And watch what happens by the end of the month. Remember, what is going on around you and in your life on the outside is a result of the images you have inside you.
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