The Point of Victory
Have you ever come to a place in your life where you feel like a failure, where you feel like it works for everyone else but you? If you are in that place right now, I have good news for you. Most people have been there at one time or another, whether they ever admit it or not. What is the point of your wanting to give up? What is the point of your wanting to let go? That is the point of your breakthrough. That is the point of your victory. That is the point of your turnaround. Don’t let go now. Don’t give up now. You are almost there.
This is the time to keep the word steadily before your eyes and in your ears, continually, day and night, to offset those thoughts of giving up, of throwing in the towel. Why do you think those thoughts are coming your way? They are coming at you because you are on the brink of your breakthrough; you are at the point of your victory. Victory is always available to us as God’s children. It is just a matter of believing it is ours and seizing it for ourselves. And I know that the time of your greatest pressure is the time you least want to grab hold and not let go. But do it anyway. You’ll like the results. They are so sweet!
Once again, we are reminded of Joshua 1:8. We are to meditate God’s Word day and night and not let it depart from our mouths. Then we shall have good success and deal wisely.
Ask the Spirit of God for wisdom for today to take care of your day. Ask Him for direction, for understanding of what you are to do. Ask Him for scripture to meditate on today for your turnaround. He is the director of your life. He is the One Who has the answer for the challenges for the day. He is the One Who leads us and guides us.
Are you tired and weary? You know why you are tired and weary. You are trying to keep things held together by your own efforts. Let God take care of it. I know that is sometimes not as easy as it is said. But do it anyway, on purpose. Let go of the frenetic fretting and worrying about what to do and am I doing what is right and is God pleased with me and how do I get from A to B. Sometimes we are just too tied up in attempting to reach the solution for the problem that we forget that we are serving the solution maker, Who dwells in us 24-7. I believe that our solution is held off many times because we just can’t seem to let go of the “I do it myself, daddy” syndrome. Today let’s just take one day and do nothing but praise and worship the Lord and not ponder the situation. Just for one day, try it. I think you will be interested to see what begins to happen. Try it; you’ll enjoy it.
You see, the cares of your situation choke out the results of the Word of God working (Parable of the Sower). We are to cast the whole of our cares upon Him. 1 Peter 5:7 Repeat after me: I cast the whole of my care, all my anxieties, all my worries, all my concerns once and for all on You Lord for I know that You care about me and watch over me. I know that you watch over Your Word to perform it on my behalf. I am a believer and not a doubter. I am full of faith and not full of fear. As Your child, I am more than a conqueror, through Christ Jesus. I am an overcomer in this world. I speak to my mountain (problem) and I command it to be cast into the sea, to be removed. I call those things that be not in this natural, physical world as though they were visible to me right now. I call them out of the spiritual realm into this earthly realm. I thank You, Lord, that you have only good things for me, and I refuse to think on, ponder, consider anything else. Like Abraham in Romans 4, I do not weaken in faith in the face of this problem. No unbelief or distrust makes me waver, stagger, or doubtingly question Your promise in Your Word to me. I grow strong and am empowered by faith as I give praise and glory to You, God. I am fully satisfied, fully assured, fully convinced, fully persuaded, that God, You are able and mighty to keep Your Word to me and to do what You have promised. I thank you and praise you for taking care of this situation, this problem for me. Thank you for the answer. Thank you for the solution.
I serve, You, Lord, with joyfulness of mind and heart in gratitude for the abundance of all with which You have blessed me. I am happy in my faith and rejoice and am glad-hearted continually. (Deut. 28:47 and 1 Thes. 5:16) (All scriptures taken from the Amplified Bible.)
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