There's Healing In The Word of God
When I say the word healing here, I am talking about healing and wholeness in every area of your life. God is not a partial or half God. Everything He does, He does completely. He doesn’t leave one part missing and supply another. Whatever He is involved in, is complete in every aspect. So, if you are God’s child, then you should be walking and living in wholeness in every area of your life, with nothing missing and nothing broken. That is the definition of God’s peace.
Peace is one of the marks of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom. 14:17). Although we are not talking about the Kingdom of God today, it is necessary here to speak several things about God’s Kingdom, since we are talking about the word of our King. In Matthew 6:33 we are told to seek first the Kingdom of God (God’s way of doing and saying things) and all these earthly things will be added unto us. When we are seeking God’s Kingdom, we are seeking to learn how to live successfully in His Kingdom while here on this earth, how to speak and act to be a part of His Kingdom. There are principles and laws of operation in God’s Kingdom. When we know those principles and laws, we must learn how to operate in them. I see two reasons for failure in God’s people: (1) Lack of knowledge and (2) if we know what to do, inability to put into practice what we know.
The remedy in all cases is to get to know the Word of God through study, meditation, confession, listening to accurate teachers and preachers of the Word of God. When we know the Word of our King, we know how He thinks and how He wants us to think and act. When we think and act like Jesus, we will be walking in consistent victory and see consistent results in our lives and those around us. Yes, it is possible to think and act like Jesus. That’s why God gave us His Word, which is impregnated with His power, His life and His ability.
In Mark 4:26 we hear Jesus saying that the Kingdom of God is as if a man should cast seed into the ground. This whole chapter of Mark is about the Word as seed and actually gives us the principles to live successfully here on this earth. This chapter contains the parable of the sower and Jesus said that if we understand this parable, we understand all parables. This teaching is the foundation of living in God’s Kingdom. It is the foundation for faith. It is God’s way of doing things---seed, time and harvest.
In John 6:63, Jesus tells us that the words that He speaks to us are spirit and life. What life? These words are His life, His eternal life, His very vibrant, pulsating, energizing life. God’s Word is pregnant with His very heartbeat, His very creative force, which created all things and keeps them operating. Yes, that is the life that is in you right now as a born-again child of God and that life is in God’s Word. Every time you speak God’s Word, you are sending forth the life of God on your behalf or on the behalf of someone else.
Once again, I must remind you of Proverbs 4: 20-23. God’s Word is life to us and health, healing, medicine to all our flesh. But there are several conditions to His Word becoming a part of us, becoming our very life, becoming our health. We must pay attention to His Word; we must hear His Word continually (incline); we must keep His Word ever before our eyes (let it not depart from); and we are to keep our hearts at all costs.
What does it mean to keep our hearts? It means that we are not to allow anything contrary to the Word of God to be a part of us—no offense, no worry, no care, no anxiety, no doubt, no unbelief, no fear. Because, you see, if we allow these things to be a part of us, they contaminate faith; they dilute the faith of the Word.
Yes, it is possible to live without fear and worry and offense lodging in our hearts. The solution: WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD!!!!!!!
Thoughts of worry and concern and fear will come—they are from the devil. Cast them down and don’t let them become a part of your heart. As long as we are on this earth, thoughts will come. That is the devil’s and all of his demons’ job—to contaminate the Word of God, if they can. Don’t allow it! It is a stand, a fixed position we must take 24-7. In the beginning of the stand, it is tough and seems like an uphill climb, but it does get easier as we continue to put the Word in our eyes, ears, and mouth over and over and over. It is a not a works program. It is a work of the Word of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, transforming us into His image and likeness. Keep the Word ever before you.
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