Faith For Healing
For I will restore health unto you….
This is God’s promise regarding health. He will restore you, bring recovery from disease, revive you, renew your health and soundness, return to you the health you have lost, return to you your health which has been taken from you and unjustly detained.
You see, no one has a right to take your health from you and put sickness and disease upon your body. Absolutely no one has that right. Only God has the right to give you health, health, health, health, health, all the days of your life. PSALM 107:20 He sent His Word and healed you and delivered you from destruction. PROVERBS 4:22 God’s Word is life to those that find it and health, medicine to all their flesh.
Since God’s Word is medicine, let me ask you a question? When the doctor prescribes a medicine for you, do you take it according to directions and for as long as it is recommended? Of course you do.
Then why don’t you take God’s Word as prescribed? Look at the prescription for taking God’s medicine. PROVERBS 4:20,21 Pay attention to God’s Word; incline your ear to His Word; let His Word not depart from your eyes; keep His Word in the center of your heart. JOSHUA 1:8 This book of the law (God’s Word) shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate on it day and night. Why? So that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous and then you shall have good success.
It seems to me that we are to take God’s Word day and night, forever, looking at it by reading it, hearing it by confessing it and hearing preachers and teachers teaching and preaching it, and putting it in our hearts, into our spirits, by meditating on it.
And what does meditating mean? Thinking about it, dreaming about it, picturing yourself doing it, pondering it, thinking about it all the time. Someone said recently that worry is imagination out of control. Why not turn that around and say that meditation is total immersion in God’s Word, to the point that one is carefree and worry free, no longer out of control, but perfectly calm and undisturbed. Remember that PROVERBS 14:30 says that our calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of our body….
And as you meditate, think on God’s Word day and night, His Word becomes a part of you and gets in your spirit and is no longer just knowledge in your head but reality to your heart. Then you know that you know that you are healed and no one can take that reality away from you.
People have asked me: How do you know when you have faith? You will know you have faith when you don’t have to ask if you have faith, when you don’t have to ask if it is working in you, when you don’t say you’re waiting for the manifestation. As far as faith is concerned, you have it, even when the symptoms are still raging in your body and the doctor’s report is a bad one. Faith is calm in the face of contrary evidence. Faith doesn’t have to work up a positive answer and speak the scriptures like a machine gun to keep from being fearful.
Keep staying in the Word day and night and being faithful to God and His Word. Don’t give up. Keep on doing what the Word tells you to do. And it just happens: One day you wake up and know you have it. It is worth the victory.
Contained in God’s Word is the ability, the life, the energy of God to heal your physical body. He is your strength, your life, your health. And His Word is the container of His life, given to us to bring about health and then keep us healthy. God’s Word is full of His life, full of His power, full of His strength, full of Love Himself Who is Life.
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