Turn Around Your Losses
There has been a great deal of a sense of loss in my life in the past several months---friends, ministry friends, and now my “sis.” She was more than a sister-in-law; she was my friend who had been with me through many difficult moments in my life when my first husband, who was her brother died.
We can take loss and wallow in it or we can take God’s Word and throw it in the devil’s face and say, No, you don’t. You don’t have any say-so in my life. And we can begin to praise God for what He has done for us and what He is doing and let His Word roll off our tongues in the midst of heart-wrenching sobs. You know, it is one thing to talk about the Word of God working in our lives; it is another to experience it personally.
I deliberately and on purpose spoke the opposite of everything that I was sensing and feeling today and kept on speaking it, even through my sobs, and kept on speaking it and kept on speaking it and praising and praising and praising. And the sense of God’s presence became so real that what had been overwhelming me in my emotions was replaced by the overwhelming power of God’s Presence. You, too, can experience the same thing in your own life. You know what it takes: Pure, gutsy determination in the midst of whatever it is you are going through. You plow through to the other side, believing that you will go through.
The greatest power in the universe is God, Who is Love, Who made you in His image to operate in the forces that come out of Him, namely, love, life, faith, hope, which culminate in a manifestation of His Presence in the form of Light if you could see it. You and I have within us today as born-again children of God, THE ULTIMATE SOURCE, THE ULTIMATE POWER, THE ULTIMATE GOD HIMSELF! He is God, and He is in us. Love is in us. Life is in us. Faith is in us. Hope is in us. Grab hold of this and it will transform your life. This is real! This is true! God is real and His Word is true for you and me, for us, for you. It is true! It is true! It is true!
He has given us His love. Romans 5:5 says that His love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. In the book of John, Jesus said that the love that the Father had given to Him was in us. He said that the same love with which the Father loved Him the Father loves us with.
He has given us His faith. We are told to have the God-kind of faith in Mark 11. We would not be told to have the God-kind of faith if God had not made it available for us. And that faith becomes real as we hear and hear the Word of God because we are told that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
He has given us His hope. 1 Peter 1:3 tells us that His hope is a lively hope, an ever-living hope. What does that mean exactly? It means that God hope is different than earthly hope. Earthly hope produces nothing but disappointment. God’s hope is living; it is full of life.
It is said of Abraham in Romans 4 that when all means of earthly hope was gone, he hoped on in Bible hope. God’s hope is alive, produces the basis for faith to give substance to. What is our hope in? My hope is in Jesus coming through for me every time. I focus on that. I dwell on that, regardless of how I feel or what it looks like. I FOCUS! My hope is in His Word being true for me, regardless of how much I think it doesn’t work for me. My hope is in Him and His Word. And that hope gives the foundation for faith.
Without hope, there can be no faith. And here is where people are missing it. They are trying to have faith and don’t even have Bible hope yet. Get a good portion of hope and exercise your faith to put substance to it. Just what is this Bible hope? It is an earnest, white-hot expectation that God is working on your behalf in spite of what you see or feel in your life.
Where do you get this faith and where do you get this hope? They are both found in the same place----God and His Word. Dwell therein day and night. Keep on and keep on and keep on until you have complete, shouting victory. And don’t back down, back off until you do have victory. That’s called determination to take back what is yours from the devil.
And just how do you exercise faith, release faith? Your mouth is your exercise piece. Speak it. Speak the opposite of how you feel. Speak the opposite of how it looks. The best time to speak God’s Word is in the face of totally contradictory circumstances. God loves to take what looks like an impossible situation and put His mark on it and turn it around for absolute victory. Go ahead and do it. You will love the results.
Now I ask you what else do we need?
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