God's Word of Life and Health, Part 3
This scripture passage is really our instruction on how to live life here on this earth God’s way. And if this is God’s instruction to us, then we need to sit up and take notice. We are told here that God’s Word is life to us, health, medicine, healing to all our flesh. God’s Word is creative power for His abundant life to be made active in our lives.
You and I were created to be speaking spirits. God breathed into us His Spirit; He spoke His life into us. Just like our Father, we speak, and things happen. At least, that is the way He intended it to work. But then along came satan and messed up the way man speaks and taught man how to speak negative words of doubt, unbelief, fear and death. It has gotten to the point now in the life of mankind that if you and I speak words of faith, words which are positive and uplifting, people look at us and say something to this effect: You had better watch what you say; you don’t want to be part of that “name-it, claim-it, blab-it, grab-it” bunch.
What is wrong with naming yourself and your family as blessed, as healthy, as prosperous, as whole in every area of their lives? What is wrong with blessing your neighbors and your family and your church and your nation? What is wrong with speaking positive, uplifting words over yourself and others? What is wrong with it, I ask you? I tell you what is wrong with it. People have been used to hearing the opposite for so long that they are actually afraid that if they speak the right stuff, they will be abnormal. Satan has really done a number on mankind. What does God’s word have to say about speaking life?
In John 6:63, Jesus said that His Word was SPIRIT AND LIFE.
Now here in the Old Testament passage of Proverbs 4:20-22 we have these instructions.
Keep God’s Word of Life, His Word of health, ever before you. Pay attention to His Word. Give God’s Word your attention.
Keep God’s Word of Life, His Word of health in your ears all the time, continually.
Keep God’s Word of Life, His Word of health in the center of your heart.
The life of the flesh is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11).
The life of God’s Spirit is in His Word.
God has placed His life in His Word to feed our minds and spirits and conform them to Him, that our minds and spirits might be in agreement with His Spirit and the way He thinks and acts.
The life of the blood keeps our flesh alive and healthy. The life of the Word keeps our spirits alive and healthy.
Psalm 91:4b in the NLT states …His faithful promises (Word) are my armor and protection.
God’s Word gives us protection at all times.
Joshua 1:8 states: The book of the law (God’s Word which is life and health to all our flesh) shall not depart out of our mouths but we shall meditate on it day and night that we may observe to do according to all that is written therein. For then we shall make our way prosperous (going to the highest place in something we desire, excelling in something we desire—and remember that God gives us the desires of our hearts; He places His desires in those who are close to Him.) And then we shall have good success, deal wisely in all the affairs of life.
2 Timothy 3:16,17 states that: Every Word of God is God-breathed, given by His inspiration and profitable for instruction, reproof, conviction of sin, correction of error, discipline in obedience, training in righteousness, training in holy living, training in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose and action. Why? So that we may be complete, prepared, proficient, well-fitted, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
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