The Power of His Presence
One of the most profitable things you and I can do is to spend time in the Presence of the Lord, even if it is for a short period of time. We get our refreshing; we get our strength from spending time with Him, preferably first thing in the morning, before our day begins.
Everything we need is found in Him, in His Presence. Our health, our joy, our peace, our sense of well being, our empowerment to do what we are called to do resides in the Lord Jesus Christ. He has told us that the Holy Spirit was sent to give us the power that we need to live this life here on this earth successfully and victoriously. In Acts 1:8 Jesus told His disciples that they would receive power after the Holy Ghost came upon them. That power is translated as ability or might. In other words, they would receive God’s ability to do what they had to do.
We also receive God’s ability, might to do what He has called us to do. We receive His power to live our daily lives. I think what most of us forget is that there is an ability to live every day in victory, regardless of what we are facing, regardless of what comes our way that day. God’s power is not just for the BIG things. His power is available for our daily living, when we are running late for an appointment, when the children are cranky when they get up, when our spouses are “out of sorts,” when it just seems like everything is going the wrong way. God is there. And the stress of those kinds of things is “de-stressed” by the power of His Presence.
Even after our initial quiet time with the Lord, during the day, we can picture Him with us, helping us to do whatever we are doing, whether it is at work, at school or at home. He is our ever-present helper. Remember the Holy Spirit is called our Helper, One Who is called alongside us to comfort, encourage, strengthen, direct, take care of us.
The Lord is ever present with us. What we have to do is to realize that and receive the empowerment of His Presence. He is always there, never leaving us or forsaking us, always there to help and encourage, regardless of how we feel or how bad the situation may be.
And, you know, He is also there to share in our successes and our victories. How He rejoices with us over a job well done or a battle won or just living daily successful lives. The ultimate goal of the Lord is that we live daily lives in peace and wholeness, not moved by anything that comes our way, casting the whole of our cares on Him, for He cares for us.
Our dear Heavenly Father loves us so tenderly and so completely and totally. When we fix our gaze on His love for us, when we have an understanding of just how totally He wants to take care of us, our days of fretting are over. Why? Our days of fretting are over because we let Him handle our lives 24-7, taking our direction from the Lord, allowing Him to be in total charge of our lives.
Today, at various points in your timeframe, take a few moments and simply in quietness, in stillness, invite the Lord to come and love on you. Be quiet. Don’t talk. Just be. He is waiting for those moments.
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