Who Are You - A Body or a Spirit?
I guess you wonder where we’re going with this one. Your body is simply a vehicle for God to use here on this earth to get His job done of bringing sons and daughters back into Father’s Kingdom, Father’s family. It is really all about family, you see. God wants everyone in the household again, and He has sent us to get them back.
With that in mind, why do you think that satan attacks your body so much? If he can get rid of you, he has gotten rid of a potential hundreds or maybe even thousands or possibly millions, if you are Billy Graham or Reinhard Bonnke. You are probably saying to yourself: “Well, I am certainly no Billy Graham or anybody else that is going to bring that many into God’s Kingdom.” Why are you limiting yourself and God’s plan for your life?
One of the things I have noticed—just my observation, but you will more than likely agree with me—is that when you are launching on something big for God, symptoms come in your body of varying degrees. That is where the Word of God comes in and the time you have already spent with the Lord. What I am going to talk about for the next few minutes is a prescription of preventative medicine of God Almighty.
We all know that in order to stay here on this earth, we have to have a physical body to dwell in. That is a must. Let’s take a look at this body. God made your body and breathed the breath of life into it. That’s what makes your body important; of itself, it has no value. It is simply an instrument used to exist on this earth. It is for God’s work. We are told in the scripture that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. They are for Him.
We must take care of our bodies physically—getting the proper exercise, rest and food. But outside of that, we are to let the Lord take care of them. How do we do that? We dwell in the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives, to direct us. Our focus is not to be on our bodies 24-7 but on the things of the Lord and His Word.
Here is where many of us get sidetracked. A symptom comes of pain or of what we perceive as a lump or some other “sign” of something. Instead of asking the Lord what to do about it, we either run to the doctor immediately or we in panic start quoting the word of God like a machine gun, in fear. Neither is correct. We must ask the Holy Spirit what our approach is to be. He will tell us.
Do what the Holy Sprit tells you to do and get on with your life. If it is a serious condition, do what God tells you to do, whether it is go to the doctor, get medication, do a nutritional route or surgery or set aside a week to closet with the Lord and His Word and learn how to receive your healing. Your God is the One Who made your body and He is the One Who will keep it. Here is an area all of us need to work on.
The preventative route is to stay in the Word of God and spend time with the Spirit of God every day. Every day listen to something on healing and speak scriptures on healing and deliberately, on purpose see your body as whole, healthy, well, realizing that the real you is your spirit which is inside your body. When you and I finally get the picture that we are the ones in charge under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and not our bodies, we are on our way to victory and health.
Our spirits are in union with the Holy Spirit, in Whom there is no sickness and disease. When we finally grasp this concept, our days of sickness and disease are over. A symptom comes, and we take authority over it, knowing it has no way of taking charge of a body that has a job to do for the Lord. Never should we allow satan to evict us from our bodies. God intends for us to exit this earth by simply laying down our earth suits or bodies and telling everyone we’ll see them when it is their turn to come home. And we vacate our bodies for homecoming until we come back to those bodies which will be glorified with the glory of God forever. Meanwhile, let’s let the glory of God dwell in our spirits while we are here on this earth and that will take care of our bodies. It is a decision every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year. The Lord needs you.
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