You Are God's Garden
We are God’s garden. He is the one who watches over the seed that we sow in the garden of our hearts. In Jeremiah 1:12 we see in the Amplified Bible that it is stated this way: Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it. In the KJV it states that the Lord will hasten (be quick to watch over) His word to perform it.
The Lord causes the seed of the Word to grow in the garden of our hearts like He causes the natural seed to grow in the natural ground. But it is our responsibility to plant the seed. And whatever seed we plant is what we will harvest. If we plant the seed of the Word of God for our particular situation, then that is what will grow. If we plant grumbling and complaining and criticism, then that will grow. What is your home like? It is a result of what you have been planting.
As the seed of God’s Word grows, we water it with our praise and worship of God. Watch that seed grow and love every drop of praise that falls on it. And, of course, it must be fertilized with the Love of God. Love in great portions causes that seed to grow. You can never over fertilize with that kind of growing food. The more of God’s Love that you allow to flow out of you, the greater the plant grows. And, of course, the sonshine of Jesus Christ Himself produces the crop.
One of the things we forget in the garden is that we have to harvest the crop once it has grown to full-grown maturity. And the harvest is not to be picked green. Too often, people get so excited when they see the Word working that they step in before the fruit is completely ripe, completely mature. Have you ever eaten green fruit? It is bitter and not very good, but oh, when it is ripe, it is sweet and juicy fruit.
I’ll give you an example of picking a crop before it is ripe. You have been believing God for your healing. You have been speaking the healing scriptures. You have been watering with praise. The symptoms are leaving. You are feeling better. It looks really good. Then you decide that since you feel so good, you will stop taking your medicine. And it is not quite time yet to do that. You have just picked green fruit. How do you know when the fruit of the Word that you have planted is ripe? The Holy Spirit will tell you. You will know inside you that it is ripe, that it is a done deal.
God wants to produce the most wonderful garden of your life. Continue to plant the good seed of His Word and watch what He produces---days of heaven on earth for you and for your family. His Word is so pregnant with His abundant life. I want everything He has for me. How about you?
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