God's Word of Life and Health, Part 2
Now, let’s move to verses 9 and 10.
If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and will believe in your heart that God has raised Christ from the dead, you shall be saved, delivered, protected, healed, preserved, made whole.
Do you believe the Word of God? Do you see what your command is here? Speak the Word and believe the Word. Speak the Word and believe the Word. Just take God at His Word. You do that for human beings. And God is not a man that He should lie. Has He not spoken it and will He not do it!
Confess the Word with your mouth. Confess means using your mouth to bring forth, to declare a thing in order to establish or confirm it. What are you doing when you confess God’s Word? You are bringing forth, declaring, establishing, confirming, agreeing with what God says. You are in agreement with God instead of in agreement with the world and the words it brings forth.
Believe in your heart. Believe means to accept as truth, to accept as true. God’s Word is true; His Word is Truth. You can stand on the solid foundation of His Word of Truth. So what if the circumstances are screaming you’re not going to make it. So what if your body is screaming you’re not healed. So what if your kids don’t seem to care about God and His ways. So what if your marriage looks like it is falling apart. So what!!!!!! You have a better word. God’s Word says: You’re healed. God’s Word says: You’re more than a conqueror. God’s Word says: You can do all things through Christ which strengthens you. God’s Word says: Your children are disciples taught of the Lord and great is their peace and undisturbed composure. God’s Word says: Your husband loves you as Christ loves the church. Your wife respects and honors you and esteems you and loves you exceedingly. Is that enough to make you shout today!!!!!
For with your heart you believe unto righteousness and with your mouth confession is made unto salvation (soteria, from sozo), safety, deliverance, health, being rescued, and includes all the blessing of God in Christ. These two actions bring salvation to me: confession with my mouth and believing with my heart.
So, let’s summarize these verses 6-10.
The Word is on my lips and in my heart, that is, the Word of faith. I acknowledge, I confess with my mouth, my lips that JESUS IS LORD over my life, over all the circumstances of my life, over my children, over my marriage, over my family, over my home, over my job, over my neighborhood, over my community, over my church. In my heart I believe, rely on the Truth that God raised Christ Jesus from the dead and I am saved, delivered, healed, protected, preserved, made whole. With my heart I believe, adhere to, trust in, rely on Christ and am declared righteous, acceptable to God. With my mouth I confess, declare openly, speak out freely my faith and confirm my salvation, rescue, safety, deliverance, health, including all the blessing of God in Christ.
If you can’t get excited about that, your wood is wet. Let’s praise Him today the rest of the day for what He has made available to us. We are the victorious, overcoming ones!!!!!!!!
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