Stronghold is defined in the dictionary as a fortified place, a fort. It is a place of strength, a place of security, built to guard something. It is a house constructed of thoughts and it develops a pattern of thinking.
What places has satan entrenched himself in your life as a place that he has a strong grip, a strong hold on your life? Do you know that God is also spoken of as a stronghold in the Bible? We want God entrenched, locked in tight with our lives where He is the One with the strong grip, the strong hold on our lives.
In 2 Corinthians 10:4,5 we see that the weapons of our warfare (You say, is there a warfare? Yes, there is a battle to enforce in your life personally what Jesus has purchased for you when He sweat blood in the Garden of Gethsemane, when His back was lacerated and torn at the whipping post and when He hung on the cross----all of it for you, as your substitute.) are not carnal (They’re not physical weapons of flesh.) but our weapons are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
In verse 5 we are given instructions on how to tear down satan’s strongholds in our lives. Cast down imaginations or reasonings that are contrary to God’s Word. Cast down everything that would exalt itself against the knowledge of God. And where do we get the knowledge of God? We get knowledge and understanding of God through studying, speaking, meditating, confessing His Word day and night, continually. We bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing.
You say, Kialeen, that is too hard. Well, do you want to get rid of those strongholds that are continually bringing you heartache, destruction, ruin, and death? Then do what the Word says: Bring EVERY THOUGHT INTO CAPTIVITY TO THE ANOINTED ONE and then His anointing, His power will flow in your life to overcome, capture and take back for the Lord the areas of defeat and failure in your life.
In Psalm 28:8 in the Amplified Bible tells us that the Lord is our strength; He is the stronghold of salvation to us, His anointed. Here we see that the Lord Himself wants to be our strength, our stronghold of salvation. Remember that salvation is a word that takes in a lot of territory. Salvation means deliverance, safety, health, wholeness, security, protection, preservation, inclusive of all the blessing of God in Christ. That is the stronghold we want—the stronghold of salvation, the strength of salvation. Nothing can come through or penetrate God’s stronghold, God’s fort. No enemy can overtake God’s fort. Come inside into God’s fort. It is truly a fortified place.
Remember in Psalm 91 that in v. 2 we say of the Lord: He is my Refuge (Place where I am safe and protected, my hiding place from all danger), my Fortress (My place of strength, my defense against all enemies), my God; on Him I lean, on Him I rely and in Him I place my confidence. He is the One in Whom I place all my trust, all my confidence. My trust is in nothing else. He alone is the One Who holds me up and takes care of me.
In a little known book in the Bible, Nahum, chapter 1, verse 7 we see that the Lord is good; He is a stronghold in times of trouble and He knows the ones who trust Him, who take shelter, who take refuge in Him.
And how do we develop trust in someone? How do we develop trust in the Lord? We get to know Him. And how do we get to know Him? By the words He speaks, by the things He does.
How about you? I want to know Him in the fullness of His Presence, to get lost in and bask in His infinite love and desire for me. I want to know Him in the fullness of His resurrection power and glory. To know Him is to love Him and to love Him is to trust Him and to trust Him is to live a life of rest and peace in a world full of chaos and turmoil.
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