Walls Are Coming Down
God is doing a work in all of us, going deep into parts of our hearts and souls that have been barricaded behind a very protective barrier. And those of us who allow this heart surgery will reap tremendous benefits. It sometimes hurts to admit what we truly are like and what has been hidden so deeply in our inner man that even we ourselves do not recognize that which is revealed by the ever-loving hand of the tender Father. Less of me and more of Him has been our cry and He is hearing our cry and doing great and wonderful things in us who will allow Him to do so. What an awesome God of Love we serve! His Love is such a gentle scalpel, removing that which allows satan to get a handle on us. It is painless as we allow Him to do His work. It is extremely painful if we resist His gentle removal of that which is detrimental to our walk with Him and the intimate relationship we desire as His children.
As we meditate on God’s Word, He, by the power of His Spirit, reveals that which needs excising. Remember Hebrews 4:12:
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
That is the job of the Word of God: discerning the thoughts and intents of our hearts, piercing to the very core of that which causes us undue difficulties and stress in our lives. It is called lack of trust and being filled with fear. At the very center of our life’s difficulties is a sense of not being able to totally let go of our own efforts and our own works and let God handle it, even when it looks like He is not doing what we want Him to do or even worse, if it looks like He is not doing anything. We say: What are you doing, God? Don’t You realize the seriousness of this situation? Don’t you see the need to do something about it immediately or things are going to be in a worse mess than they already are? Questions, questions, questions. Why this? Why that? What about this? What about that?
And then there are those who absolutely shut their ears to any advice or counsel of the Lord (which comes through people, yes, people, and sometimes people we don’t want to hear it from). Their rationale runs something like this: God, You can’t possibly mean me. They don’t know me. They don’t know what is going on. I don’t believe that is You, God. I think they are trying to run my life. They are putting me in a box. They are confining me. They are telling me to do things that are contrary to what I want to do.
What it all comes down to, my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, is that in order to be in Christ (The Anointed One and His anointing), we are going to have to be willing to let go of that which hinders the anointing and embrace the cleansing, purifying power of the Word of God, spoken through man sometimes, embrace the work of the Holy Spirit to remove sin from our lives. Oh, yes, call it what it is: sin. Yes, we are righteous, and we are righteousness conscious. We are not sin conscious. But when God reveals something in us that He wants to deal with, let Him. It is quick and pure and powerful and freeing. We don’t have to dwell on it forever. He reveals it; He cleanses it; it is gone; it never existed before. When satan comes along and tells you that you are bitter or critical or judgmental, or manipulative or controlling or lusting or whatever may be your challenge, tell him that you don’t know who he is talking about. That never happened. That CD has been trashed and a new one is playing. The title of the new CD is called loving, kind, compassionate, righteous, trusting, and faith-filled.
Romans 8:2 tells us that the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. We are called new creations. We are called God’s children. We are new people. Don’t listen to the lies of the devil. Listen to the truth of God’s Word.
You are destined for greatness in the Kingdom of God. See yourself fulfilling every part of that destiny with dignity and fullness of the power and anointing of God Almighty, your Father Who loves you dearly and deeply.
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