What Will You Do With Jesus?
What will we do with Jesus? We have received Him into our hearts as our Savior, but is He our Lord? A lord is someone who is in charge of a person’s life, one who directs and has oversight over one’s life. He is one whom a person turns to for his wisdom, for his direction because he is the one in charge. He basically has been given rulership or authority over your life.
The wonderful and powerful thing about Jesus is that He doesn’t demand to be Lord of our lives, nor does He massively dictate what we are to do. It is an interesting Lordship that He exercises with us. He is neither a bully nor a dictator. He waits for us to ASK Him to be in charge of our lives, to be in charge of a situation, to partake of His wisdom for that situation, to let Him take care of things for us. Unlike human lords, He has given His authority and dominion over this earth to us, and He has made us lords over this earth, under His lordship. If we allow Him, it is a wonderful partnership. He as the all-knowing God knows what is ahead and steers us in the right direction to avoid all kinds of pitfalls along our way. He shows us the best pathway to success, to victory and to rest and peace. But it is up to us to yield to Him to show us that pathway. Many times we say that we have yielded to Him but we are still in the driver’s seat with Him in the passenger seat watching us headed for disaster. You know that is downright stupid, but we humans do it all the time. Why should we be driving in unfamiliar territory when He knows every roadblock, every road that is out, every four-lane highway and shortcut?
What a wonderfully delightful life we can have with Jesus as our Lord. He guides us by His Holy Spirit. And we know the description of the Holy Spirit is long. He is our comforter, counselor, standby, lawyer and advocate, mighty one, helper, friend, strong One, wise One, guide, powerful One Who loves us unconditionally. We have One Who is as close as the breath we breathe, as powerful as the most powerful bomb man could ever devise, as gentle as a dove and wiser than all of mankind put together. He will guide us into all Truth; He will show us things to come; He will be there always. What more do we need!
This Christmas, let’s make Jesus Lord of our celebration, Lord of our season, Lord of our household, Lord of our lives. Let’s get up each day asking Him what to do that day. Let’s yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading and direction. Remember what we are saying each day: I am led by the Spirit of God. I hear my Father’s voice and the voice of a stranger I do not follow. I am a man/woman of vision.
There are two more weeks left before we celebrate Jesus’ birth. I, like you, have what seems like a zillion things to do and so little time to do it. This morning I have purposed that I won’t get stressed or diverted by the world and their concept of Christmas. My most important direction is to focus on Jesus and allow the thoughts of Him to be central in my heart and mind. He is my Lord and my Savior and my best Friend and my everything.
This is a special time to thank Him for coming to this earth, for making that decision to come before the world was ever founded. He and the Father had a plan and they fulfilled that plan. Jesus came; He showed us the way to live; He conquered satan for us and all that he is in charge of; He went back to Heaven where He ever makes intercession for us, where He is ever mindful of us. We are always on His mind. We are in His heart. Our decision is to do the same for Him, to have Him always on our minds and have Him ever in our hearts.
Christmas is coming! I love it! Perhaps this will be the year He comes again. There is an excitement in the air, and it is not all about the commercialism of Christmas. I sense it and those whom I know are sensing it. He is coming again. When He comes this time, He won’t come as a sweet babe in the manger. He will come as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Mighty One. He is coming for His people. He is coming again. Of that I am sure. The greatest thing I can teach you this morning is to prepare yourself and stay prepared for Him. He is preparing us if we will allow Him. He is coming again.
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