God's Word Is Our Thought
From the Amplified Bible we read:
For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.
We see here that the Word of God is full of life, full of power. Whose life is it full of? God’s life. And the Word of God goes in and exposes for us the very thoughts of our heart, our spirit man, so that we can allow Him to clean out and to get rid of those things that are hindering our walk of power, our walk in the spirit while we are here on this earth.
The more you are in the Word of God, the more you will be cleaned up and purified for Him. It is wonderful what His Word does for us. It not only brings about the fullness of God’s Kingdom in our lives but also cleans us up every day of the earthly, fleshly, carnal desires that keep us from God’s best for us. Our soul is a very important part of us; it is the place where we make decisions, where we yield either to our emotions or the fruit of the spirit, where we think. What we think on is what we become. In fact, the Bible says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
There are many things we can think on each day when we get out of bed. Our minds are very busy all the time. But the question you and I must ask ourselves is this: Exactly what am I thinking? And the next question is: If it is wrong thinking, how can I change it? The answer every time is this: The Word of God in our mouth and in our hearts will change our thinking from stinking thinking to God’s thinking.
There is a scripture verse that many people quote the wrong way and it is this: God’s ways are not our ways and God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. Of course, His thoughts are not our thoughts. He thinks higher than we do. But it does not say that we can’t achieve thinking like He does. It is really a challenge to us to realize that without Him we cannot think right or speak right. We need to take on His thoughts and His ways by reading, studying and confessing His thoughts, which is His Word. Then out of our mouths comes the Word of God as a two-edged sword, cutting asunder those things that are not of the Lord in our lives.
This scripture to which I am referring regarding God’s thoughts is in Isaiah 55. In that chapter God gives an invitation to come to Him, incline our ears to hear Him, come to Him and we shall live. In His mercy and lovingkindness He issues that invitation. Then He continues in that chapter to show us the reason we need to come to Him, the reason we need to listen to Him. What is that reason? His thoughts and ways are higher than ours, and in order to walk in His ways and think His thoughts, we must come to Him and listen to Him, hear what He has to say. Then as we listen to Him more and more, His thoughts will become our thoughts and His ways will become our ways. In verses 11 and 12 of that chapter, we see that it is His Word that changes us. His Word goes forth and doesn’t return to Him without producing results. His Word accomplishes what it is sent forth to do. In verse 12 we see that when His Word is sent forth, and we receive it, we shall go out from the place where we have been in bondage. Joy shall be ours and we are led out of that place by the Lord Himself and His Word.
Take what God speaks, His Word, and say what He says. Your situation may not change overnight because there is much that is at work that you cannot see, but keep on saying what God says and you will have what God has.
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