Authority - 3
All creative life is in God. He chose to share that ability with man. We became the custodians of His life and joy. Imagine how upset religious people would be if we began the Lord’s prayer with “Our Daddy which art in heaven.” He is our abba, our daddy, intimate and loving. This very thing, man’s limited concept of creation, why he was created by God, limits his understanding of the new creation, the born-again experience, salvation.
Get a vision of how much God loves you, hovers over you to protect, bless and guard you. God patiently watches over you and cares for you as you develop, growing into His likeness and being conformed to the image of Jesus.
Let’s do a comparison of the likenesses and differences of man to other creatures.
Here are the likenesses. Man is called a living soul in Genesis 2:7. Fish, birds, and land animals are called living creatures in Genesis 1:20,21,24,30. There is a footnote to verses 20 and 30----life: living soul. Man has the breath of life and all creatures have the breath of life (Genesis 7:22).
Here are the differences. Man’s breath of life was God’s life personally breathed intimately, coming directly from the mouth of God. Make note here that the Lord formed (moulded – Heb. vayyitzer) man in Genesis 2:7. Forming is not creation. Forming is taking an existing substance and making something out of it. God took the dust of the already existing earth He created and formed something from that substance----man. Created means to bring into existence. Then God breathed life into Adam. That’s where creation came---God breathed into man’s nostrils the Spirit of God (zoe, God life) and man was brought into existence----created.
The second difference is this. Male and female mankind were created at separate times, whereas, with all other creatures, both were created at the same time. Animals function by natural mating instinct. Man is to be moved by love and strong moral responsibility by choice.
The third difference is this. Man is not patterned after any existing model. He is a direct transcript of God. He is patterned after God. If you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus and then look at yourself. Look at these scriptures concerning Jesus. Colossians 1:15----Who is the image (revealer) of the invisible God; Hebrews 1:3----express image of His person (Father), perfect imprint and very image of God’s nature; 2 Corinthians 4:4----Christ, Who is the image of God; John 14:9----He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; John 12:45----He that seeth Me seeth Him that sent Me; John 1:18----No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He had declared Him (revealed Him, brought Him out where He can be seen, interpreted Him, made Him known).
The fourth difference is this. Here is the full picture of man God created. It’s our spirit, our inner man, which is created in the image of God. Through our spirit we are GOD-CONSCIOUS. Man has a living soul with a will for the power of choice, the ability to choose actions; with emotions, an emotional being that can appreciate and feel (actions of the inner man find their channel to express that inner action through the emotions); and with a mind which is highly developed. Adam named every creature God made. This mind can fellowship with an all-knowing God. It is through the soul that man is SELF-CONSCIOUS. Man has a body. It is through the body that man is EARTH-CONSCIOUS, SENSE-CONSCIOUS.
Adam, man, was created as a perfect human being, neither mortal (death-doomed) not immortal (unable to die). The way to see what Adam was like before the fall is to take a look at Jesus on the earth. Jesus was exactly what Adam would have been (1 Corinthians 15:45,49
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