The Power of Multiplication - 1
God’s original word to Adam when He created him was: Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. God duplicated Himself in Adam and of course Adam would have the power of multiplication in his life because he was a child of God. Do you know that Jesus has gotten that type of power back for us? When He died on the cross, when He rose again, when He ascended into heaven, He told His disciples that all power in heaven and earth was given to Him. Then He made the statement: Go ye therefore. He made that statement because the understood meaning was that now we can go into all the world and do what He did because His power is in us and on us now----His power, the power of multiplication.
Everything we touch is blessed and prospers. Everything that is associated with us should be in the increase mode. If it is not, then we are allowing satan to lie to us about what we are capable of doing in the Lord, with His anointing upon us and in us.
We see in the Old Testament in Genesis 22:17 and in the New Testament in Hebrews 6:14 that God said to Abraham: In multiplying I will multiply your seed. In multiplying I will multiply you. This is God speaking. He cannot lie. He is making a statement of fact, which is for us as well as Abraham’s physical descendants. Remember that in Galatians 3:16 and 29 we are told that to Abraham and His seed were the promises made. God said: Not to seeds as of many but as of one----to your seed, which is Christ. And if you be Christ’s then are you Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. We who have accepted Jesus Christ into our life are Abraham’s seed. So here is a promise to us also. In multiplying I will multiply you. In multiplying I will multiply your seed.
Exactly what does it mean to multiply. Let’s look at the dictionary and see what it says----to grow or increase, to spread. We see in Acts 12:24 that the Word of God grows and multiplies. Of course God’s Word grows and multiplies because God is a God of multiplication. It is the power of multiplication that He produces wherever He is. The same is true of us or should be. Multiplication is a power where God is concerned. It is a force. It cannot be stopped. Multiplication is inevitable wherever God shows up, wherever you as His child show up. Multiplication is to be expected.
The devil is so afraid you will learn about this concept because that means that you will no longer be poor but will be wealthy. He thinks that he controls the wealth of the world and he does to a large extent because God’s people have ignored something that they can use to get the gospel out to the nations. But more than that. Money is just a tool. It is not an end-all for anything. Multiplication is a power. It can be applied to money. It can be applied to health. It can be applied to relationships. It can be applied to marriages. It can be applied to raising children. The more you grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God, the more you increase in understanding of Who God is and Who He is in you. And increase comes in every area of your life. Why? Because you are thinking the way God thinks and acting the way God acts. He thinks and increase is the result. He speaks and increase is the result. That is just the way it is.
In Psalm 115:14 we see that the Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. Increase is the result wherever God is. He is increase. And we see here that He will increase you more and more and your children. If increase Himself is in you with His power of increase and multiplication, then you will increase. It is an obvious result. What is in you is what will produce.
So what is the problem? Why don’t we see God’s people increasing in every area of their lives? It is lack of knowledge of Who God is and what He has made available to us by virtue of Him dwelling in us. It is all about Him, and not about us. The part we play is in cooperating with Him Who dwells in us. We must know something first before we can operate in it.
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