Faith Is Now
According to Hebrews 11:1 NOW faith is….
According to Mark 11:22-24 the faith of God, the God-kind of faith, says to the situation: Be removed, be gone and he who says that shall have what he says. What is the ingredient here for success? He shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass. We also see in these verses that when we pray, whatsoever things we desire, believe that we receive them and we shall have them.
So, how do we get to this place of believing? What do we do? Romans 11:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing----hearing what? The Word of God. And what kind of hearing is that? It is not the hearing with the physical ear, although that is how the Word enters our spiritual ears or the inside of us, our spirit man. Out physical ear hears the word preached, whether by a preacher standing in a pulpit or by our speaking the Word of God to ourselves. Our physical ears hear the actual word spoken, and as we hear, our spiritual man tunes into God’s Word and hears what the Word is speaking to us. Our spirits thrive and produce God’s Word to change and rearrange things here on this earth according to the Truth of God, His Word. God loves to hear His language, and we love to speak His language. He has a language----His Word----and His language has a voice in this earth. It is called the voice of faith.
Let me say something about speaking the Word of God to ourselves. Some people think that confessing the Word of God is just a routine----an “I’ve got to do it to have success” thing. That is not what confessing the Word of God is all about. Confessing the Word of God is spending time with your wonderful Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, speaking His language, His Word to Him, an intimate time of fellowship over His Word. Some of the best times I have had with the Lord are those times when I am confessing His Word and realizing the life that is going forth from that word on my behalf. What an honor! What a privilege it is to speak forth the Word of God and sense in our spirits that it is changing things. Don’t ever take for granted that wonderful communication with Father God of the honor of speaking His Word.
God has no time frame as we do here on this earth. He is eternal. He lives in an eternal, timeless place. He is always NOW! He is not yesterday. He is not tomorrow. He is NOW! Actually, we are NOW people. One second ago is no longer now. Now is where you are in this present moment. My finite human brain cannot comprehend that it is complete NOW, but my spirit man can understand.
When you speak the Word, NOW it is. It is not going to be. It is NOW. That is what faith is all about. It is believing that the God of the NOW has come on the scene for you, and you can totally trust Him to take care of your situation. You don’t have to wait for the manifestation to know that He has taken charge, that He is in control of your circumstances. There is nothing to be concerned about any longer because God is doing what His Word says He will do. That is true faith. It is trusting God that what you have spoken of His Word is accomplished. It is finished.
Faith is NOW! It is always NOW!
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