Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Glorious Destiny

The New Year is just a few days away, and we all look forward to what the Lord has for us this year. He has only good reserved for us, even though there may be trouble all around us. Our focus must be on Him and His goodness all the time. He is a good God, and He lives in us with His goodness.

As I was reading the New Living Translation yesterday, this sentence really leaped off the page into my spirit man. As Paul prayed for the Colossians, so I pray for you, my readers, this prayer: “…We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your lives, and we ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom” (Colossians 1:9) This is my prayer for you in the New Year of 2009.

All of us need understanding of God’s plans for us. In fact, we need complete and comprehensive understanding of our destiny. As we seek Him, we will find His plans for us this year. As we ask Him for His wisdom to guide us, the Holy Spirit will direct our lives.

There is also another scripture in the New Living Translation in Psalm 73:24 that I pray for you for the New Year. A good friend and I were discussing this scripture last night. “You will keep on guiding me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.” Isn’t that an awesome scripture! I love it. This guidance of the Lord in our lives is a continuous process. He never stops guiding us. His guidance leads us to His designed destiny, which, of course, is glorious. Anywhere that God is, His glory is. Think about that for a while. He is guiding us continually; His guidance is leading us to His destiny for our lives; His destiny is full of Him, His glory; He wants to give us complete understanding of that destiny; He will give us His wisdom to complete the destiny He has laid out for us. This is a win-win situation.

Yes, God does have a plan for each of us. That is His divine desire. We must remember that we do have an enemy, who will do everything he can to disrupt, sidetrack, and destroy that plan of God for us. It is our mission to ignore the enemy’s tactics and focus on God’s strategies for us to accomplish what He has built into our spirits when we were born into this earth. His plan is perfect. Imperfection comes when we are disobedient, ignorant, unwilling, rebellious and weary. While we are here on this earth, God’s plan for us will be challenged at every turn in the road of our destiny. If there is a boulder obstructing our pathway, we stop, ask the Holy Spirit what to do about it and follow His instructions. There are lots of boulders—sickness and disease, poverty, failure, defeat, impossibilities to the human mind, people who manipulate and control our lives, lack, want, loss, death. Every boulder is God’s opportunity to prove Himself strong on our behalf. We have one purpose: Keep our eyes on Jesus Christ, allowing the Holy Spirit of God, with His Wisdom, to guide us through the minefield of life. We can avoid many traps when we allow Him to be our guide.

In Psalm 91:1-2, we read that when we dwell in the presence of the Lord, we are under His shadow. His shadow is His glory, which is a canopy over our heads and an enveloping of our being. His presence, His glory, is our defense and protection. His presence is His divine love personified. We say (we speak, we declare, we decree) that He is our Refuge (our place of protection); He is our Stronghold (our place of strength); He is our God. THEN, He delivers us from the snare or trap of the devil. That trap is any instrument satan uses to catch us in our walk of life, to involve us in difficulties, unexpected trouble and entanglements, unexpected evil, unexpected dangers, unexpected perplexities of life which seem to have no solution. GOD IS OUR SOLUTION! HE DESIGNED US AND OUR DESTINIES. IT IS HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO CARRY OUT THOSE DESTINIES FOR US. IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO COOPERATE WITH HIM IN HIS PLAN FOR OUR LIVES!