4 R's Of God's Plan
He redeemed us. He reconciled us to Himself. He restored us to fellowship with Him. He made us righteous.
Jesus Christ came to this earth with only one purpose----to redeem us or buy us back from satan’s dominion and restore us to fellowship with God. Included in that process was reconciliation and making us righteous.
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law----sin, sickness and disease, poverty and spiritual death. He redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, so that the blessing of Abraham might come on us and we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith (Galatians 3:13). What a price He paid for this redemption! He had to choose to be separated from His Father with Whom He had been One. What a choice He had to make! He had to choose to become all that He hated. He became the curse for us. He bore our sicknesses and diseases. He carried our pain. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. He became sin.
God the Father sent His living Word, Jesus, to redeem us, heal us, and deliver us from destruction (Psalm 107:20) We have been bought back to the Lord. Psalm 103:1-5 tells us what that redemption includes. The benefits of redemption are: all our iniquities forgiven; all our diseases healed; our life redeemed from destruction; loving kindness and tender mercies crowning (encircling) us; and satisfying our mouths with good things. Then, if we look back again at Psalm 107, we see what we are supposed to do about our redemption: SAY SO! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand (authority) of the enemy (satan) (Psalm 107:2). Declare it, decree it, say it, confess it----I HAVE BEEN REDEEMED FROM THE AUTHORITY OF SATAN!
It’s a fact! The Father has delivered us from the control of satan and his dominion of darkness. He has transferred us into the Kingdom of the Son of His Love, Jesus, in Whom we have our redemption through His blood. Our release is secured. Our sins are forgiven. He has drawn us to Himself forever. It’s a done deal!
Because of redemption, we are righteous in God’s eyes. Jesus, Who knew no sin, became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). He was made unto us righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30). We have discussed it before, but let’s touch briefly on the definition of righteousness. Righteousness is God’s nature of being right. As righteous children, we now have the ability to stand in His Presence without guilt and shame. That guilt and shame has been washed away by Jesus. We are somebody; we are no longer without worth. Jesus has made us worthy to stand before our Father. Hallelujah! What a privilege! Let’s not esteem that privilege lightly!
Righteousness makes us one with God again. We are reconciled to our Father. We who were alienated from Him by our sin have now been reconciled to Him through Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:21,22). Reconcile means that we are back together again after being divided. We are One with Him. Jesus told us that in John 17:20-26. Thank You, Jesus; I am so glad to be one with You and the Father and the Holy Spirit. I don’t ever want to be separated from You again.
Reconciliation has brought us restoration. We are now able to fellowship with our Father as sons and daughters. We are restored to Father's household. We can come and go as we please, going into Him, walking in the Spirit, praying in the Spirit, enjoying His Presence whenever we want. Restoration----there is nothing like it. That is what the Father had on His mind since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. The Father’s arms ached to hold His children once again. Through the generations and centuries of mankind, He waited patiently for the day that He knew was coming when He would be able to embrace His children. He sent His only Son to this earth to die for us, that He may have many sons and daughters. Thank You, Father. I love You. I am so happy to be Your child.
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