The Promise
In Romans 4:13 we read that “the promise that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.” The promise to Abraham was that he would be the heir of the world. It was not only to him but also to his seed. “And if you belong to Christ [are in Him Who is Abraham’s Seed], then you are Abraham’s offspring and [spiritual] heirs according to promise” (Galatians 3:29, Amplified Bible). Do you see this? If we belong to Christ, which we do, then we are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise that he should be the heir of the world. That is awesome!
We are heirs of the world. God has given us the world. He has given us a powerful inheritance. Then may I ask you a question? Why are we not in that position? Why are we not walking in our inheritance? First of all, we have to know that we are heirs. There is the first challenge. Not too many people who are born again know that they are heirs of God and that their inheritance is the world. What does this phrase mean? God has given us the dominion and authority over all that is in this world. He has given us His power to live a life that is an overcoming one, overcoming the trials and tribulations that are launched against us while we are here. He has given us the right to walk in victory all the time, regardless of what we may be encountering.
How do we access our inheritance? It is a small word, but one of the most powerful words and the key to everything in God’s Kingdom. That little word is FAITH. Faith in God and what He has made available to us is the action that opens the door to our inheritance. What is this inheritance in the world? 2 Peter gives us the summary of our inheritance. According to His divine power, God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him. His divine power in us is released through faith.
What is faith? Faith is believing God means what He says and does what He says he will do. The Word of God, our Bible, is full of what God says He does for us. It is up to us to believe it. Believing is not something we “work up” or strain to acquire. Believing is simply a decision we make that God’s Word is true for us personally and act like it is true, even when it appears that nothing is changing in our lives. For example, when we are sick, we must believe what God says in his word about healing. He tells us that He has already healed us. If He says that is the way it is, that is the way it is.
Do you remember when you were a child and you asked your parents why you had to do something a certain way? Their answer sometimes was this: “Because I said so.” God’s answer to the question: “Why should I believe I’m healed?” is this: “Because I said so.” And that is the end of the discussion with Him. He said it; that is the way it is. He is not a man that He should lie. It is our job, then, to rest in what He said and leave the results in His hands. We can’t produce the results anyway. Results are His job. Our problem is that we are afraid it won’t work for us. Of course it won’t work for us. We are not responsible for working healing in our bodies. He is. It’s up to Him. And He doesn’t fail.
I know what you’re thinking—then how come so and so died? I don’t know. That is between them and God. I believe God’s Word is true, whether it appears to be working in my life or anyone else’s. God’s Word is Truth. The problem is not God. There are times when we are more earthly minded than spiritually minded and don’t grab hold of what God has for us. We don’t know enough. We can know, but it takes discipline on our parts. Our minds must be renewed to God’s Word by studying it, meditating it and confessing it over ourselves. In order to walk in our inheritance, we have to think as God thinks. There is only one way to do that. We must study His Word until we think the way He does. Yes, it is possible.
We have been given a promise that we are heirs of the world because of Jesus Christ. Abraham received that promise for all of us. Aren’t you grateful to him?
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