Why Are You Studying The Word of God?
Today, let’s take some time to examine our hearts. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to show us how to express our love to the Father. God gave us His Word to express His love for us. This whole Bible is a series of love letters to His children. It is a handbook of daily living. He is a guide to show us how to walk, how to avoid the traps that satan lays for us, how to stay in the place of protection, and how to love as our dear Heavenly Father loves us.
Why do we study our Bibles? What is our motive? Are we doing it for our own profit, thinking only of our own selfish needs? Or are we doing it because we love God so much that we are propelled to His Word to see what He has to tell us today?
For God so loved the world, that He gave. He gave us His Son, the Word, but He also gave us this Bible, the Word. Now why do you suppose He did that? He wanted us to live the way He intended for us to live on this earth. Because Adam and Eve messed up, the Father sent Jesus to make it right again. But as long as we live on this earth, because of what Adam and Eve did, (they invited satan to be the god of this world) we must contend for what God has for us. We live in this world; therefore, we must continually feed on God’s Word to keep ourselves in His way of living. His way of living is Love, because He is Love. This world operates on hatred and greed; God operates on Love and giving. Do you see what I see? We are in this world of hatred and greed; we must have something to keep us from “taking on” this world’s system. That “something” is the Word of God, which will keep us in Love and unselfishness.
The Bible, the Word of God, His Love Letters to us is teeming with His Life. When we read, study, meditate, and confess the scriptures, we are taking in His Life. When we study the Word of God to know Him better and better, we have the right motive, and His Life which is contained in His Word will produce what we need, whether it is healing or prosperity or abundance. The point I am making here is that if we study our Bibles just so we can get something, we have missed the entire reason for the Bible being given to us. It was given to us for us to learn of God—Who He is and how much He loves us. Out of our study of the Bible to know Him will come the healing we need, the finances we need, the correction of relationships we need.
God’s Word is awesome! Contained within His Word is everything we will ever need, every bit of counsel we will ever have to have and the full supply of all that we need to live successfully here on this earth. He is God, our Provider!
From this day forward, when we sit down with His Word, let’s see ourselves sitting at His feet, learning of His ways and His Love. The healing is there. The finances are there. The right relationships are there. Whatever we need is there in His Word. They are already taken care of. Jesus has already purchased everything we will ever need when He took our place as our substitute on the cross. All we have to do is open this Bible and find out what is already ours and thank God for it. The rest is in His hands. We are to enjoy His Word speaking words of endearment and love to us. Out of that time of intimacy comes the fulfillment of our needs.
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