To honor someone is to hold them in high esteem or respect, to consider them worthy of respect, and to place value on them. When we honor someone, we treat them with the highest regard both in our words and in our actions. We hold them in a distinguished place in our minds, in our hearts and in our lives. We place them in a position of dignity as far as we are concerned.
God the Father Himself has honored all of mankind by sending His most precious and valuable gift, His Son Jesus to take the fullness of the justice due to us for our sin and all of its consequences. Jesus Christ has honored us by coming and taking our place as our substitute to pay the full price for sin. The Holy Spirit has honored us by coming to dwell in us when we accept what Jesus has done for us and repent or turn away from our wicked ways. We are forever changed because of the honor that God has for us.
Looking at the other side of the coin, we, in return, are to honor God. We are to respect, revere, and regard God with the highest value, above anything we have and anyone we know. The very foundation of the good life starts with honoring God. There is a respect that we must learn where God Almighty is concerned. I know He is our precious papa, but He is also the God Who created the universe; He is Almighty God. There is a place of honor we must give Him in each of our lives.
People are screaming for others to respect them and honor them. If you are not being honored, look inside and see if you are honoring God first of all. If you are not, how can you expect honor to come to you. Honor begins with God. Then we can honor others and others will honor us. Once again, it is about the law of sowing and reaping. God’s Kingdom is set up with one of the principles being that of sowing and reaping. If we sow honor, we will reap honor.
I just got back from visiting my dad for the day. He is 90 years old and a delight to my heart. He still is able to live by himself, and I so enjoy him. There was a time in my life when I was young when I did not see my dad that way. I saw his faults more than his strengths. Yes, we all have faults. Those who are closest to us recognize them very well. But, if we will be like God, He looks past our human weaknesses and faults to see our strengths. He does that by looking at us through Jesus Christ His Son, our substitute.
What we human beings must do is practice what our Heavenly Father practices. We must see people through His eyes. When we do that, we see the good and honor people for what we see in them. It is so simple. Choose to see the good things in others. Choose not to see the bad and the ugly. That is not always easy, but it is possible. A number of years ago, I made that decision, and it has made all the difference in my life. People are not always nice or agreeable, but I can choose to be nice and agreeable and loving. No one can choose that position for me. I have chosen to honor others even when they don’t honor me. If you will make that choice today, you will reap the benefits of honor. It may not be an immediate reaping, but it will come. I have lived long enough to see that happen in my life repeatedly. I know it works. I have seen the results of it personally. Honor does come.
We are not to seek the honor of men. We are not to pressure others to honor us. We are not men pleasers. Rather, we are to seek to honor God with all that is within us. God will honor us. That is our ultimate desire. From His honoring us will come an honor from others.
In our present world, there is a great need for honor being shown. Instead of complaining about the fallen condition of men, let us be one person who makes a difference. It only takes one, and one, and one, and one, and one, and one. Over a period of time, that one and one and one becomes many and many and many. Eventually, that one has become a whole mass of people who honor one another. One person can make all the difference! Choose to honor and be honorable!
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