God's Wisdom Is Calling You
In Colossians 2:2,3 we read that in Christ, the Anointed One, with His anointing, are hid all the treasures of divine wisdom and knowledge. In other words, all the understanding or insight of God in its completeness is in Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing. He is in us. If we yield to His insight and understanding, we will not be misled or deceived with people’s words of flattery which beguile and seduce. Attractive speech can lead people astray. Paul said that he did not come with enticing words to people. When you hear someone speak, listen for the heart of God in them. We are not to be led by personalities but by the Spirit of God.
The Lord gives us Wisdom. He has stored up the wholeness of His Wisdom for us as His children. Our God guards the path of His righteous ones; that’s us; it is a path of justice. He preserves our way. (Proverbs 2:7,8).
Let’s look at the book of Proverbs, which is called the book of wisdom, written by a wise man, Solomon. In Proverbs 4:7 we read that wisdom is the principal or main thing; therefore, get wisdom. As New Covenant believers, those who have been born again, we already have Wisdom Himself dwelling in us, as demonstrated by the two scripture verses already given in 1 Corinthians 1:30 and Colossians 2:2,3. Jesus Himself is our Wisdom. By the power of the Holy Spirit, His presence is in us. Wisdom is abiding in us. The difficulty has been that people have not known that Godly wisdom is in them, or if they know they have Godly wisdom, they do not know how to access that wisdom which is in them.
Wisdom cries out for us to turn at her voice and give heed to her call. She says: How long will you stay ignorant, without my direction? How long will you attempt to do things in your own meager human wisdom? How long will it be before you recognize that you can’t do it with your own knowledge? Turn and hear what Godly Wisdom is saying. Where do we hear what Godly Wisdom is saying? We get Godly Wisdom as we hear, study, speak and meditate God’s Word. Jesus was the Word made flesh; Jesus is made unto us Wisdom. God’s Word is His Wisdom made known to man. When we dwell in the Word of God, we are dwelling in the Wisdom of God. God’s greatest desire is to pour out His Spirit upon us and make His Word known to us.
Wisdom says: Whoever hearkens to Me shall dwell safely and securely, trusting God in quiet confidence without dreading evil (Proverbs 1:33). Listen to Me; receive My Word; treasure my Word; direct your heart and mind in pursuit of Me; apply all that you have to find me (Proverbs 2:1,2). When you seek Me and search for Me, you will find me (Proverbs 2:4). When you allow Me to enter your heart, discretion shall preserve you and understanding shall keep you from the way of evil men whose ways are crooked and devious. I shall keep you from the alien woman with her flattering words. I shall keep you in the pathway of righteousness (Proverbs 2:10-20).
Happy is the man who finds wisdom (Proverbs 3:13). Wisdom is better than silver. Gaining it is better than profiting with fine gold. It is more precious than rubies. Nothing can be compared in value to Godly Wisdom, which is superior to anything valuable in earthly standards. Length of days is in her right hand and riches and honor are in her left hand. Her pathway is one of peace and pleasantness. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her. Happy is everyone who holds fast to Godly Wisdom (Proverbs 3:14-18).
Wisdom brings life to our soul and grace to our lives. She causes us to walk in safety; therefore, we can lie down and sleep peacefully, without fear. Our sleep shall be sweet. The Lord God, Wisdom Himself, is our confidence and strong protector (Proverbs 3:23-26). Wisdom will keep us and guard us. Wisdom is our defender and our protector. As we consider Wisdom to be precious and exalt her, she will promote us and bring us to places of high honor. Wisdom gives us grace and surrounds us with glory (Proverbs 4:8,9). When we receive Wisdom, our pathway in life is clear; obstructions are moved out of the way. The path of the righteous ones who choose Wisdom becomes brighter and brighter until that perfect day when Jesus comes (Proverbs 4:12,18).
Let Godly Wisdom be your guide in life’s journey.
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