Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Monday, June 22, 2009


When we put our trust in the Lord, and seek Him, we are blessed (Psalm 2:12).

Trust is a simple word but it carries with it all the power of The Blessing of God. When we trust God in any situation and with any challenge in our life, we are releasing Him to pour out on us The Blessing. What is The Blessing? It is God’s fullness of His Kingdom which is given to us on this earth. It is God Himself pouring out on us His prosperity and goodness. To prosper is to succeed in every area of life whether it is in our bodies or our finances or our relationships.

God has declared His Blessing upon us. He decreed it over Adam and Eve, and even when they lost it, He had a plan to reinstate His decree over mankind. He blessed us. That means He gave us the ability to prosper. He gave us His power to succeed. His power is given to us to excel, create and achieve.

The result of His Blessing is fruitfulness and multiplication which is not just for us but for all those around us. God’s Blessing spills over onto those with whom we come in contact. Wherever we as born-again children of God are, He is there with His Blessing. People are blessed in our workplace. They are blessed in our communities. They are blessed in our nation because we are there. It really has nothing to do with us other than the fact that we are vessels of the Most High God, allowing Him to pour out His Blessing on us and others.

I looked up the word “trust” in the dictionary and in the Greek and Hebrew language and found one word that seems to be common as a definition of the word----confidence. When you and I have confidence in what God can do for us and that He will do it for us, we are trusting Him. Blessed is the person who puts his trust in the Lord.

Regardless of how it seems, we are to trust God to take care of things for us. Even when it looks like everything is going the opposite of what we need, we must trust Him. The devil wants us to doubt God’s desire to do what His Word says, and particularly for us. He started in the Garden of Eden by convincing Eve to doubt the truth of what God said. He has never changed. He says to you and me all the time: “Has God said? Did He really mean what He said? Nah, I don’t think so. Go ahead, you can’t trust God to come through for you.”

Deliberately, on purpose, choose to trust God. Make a quality decision that no matter what happens, you choose to trust Him. Make a commitment to Him that you will remain true to Him and believe His Word. That commitment is not dependent on whether you see results or not. It is a decision you make to believe God and His Word, regardless of what happens in your life. That is what honor is. Honor does not depend on whether you have everything great in your life. Honor is what you choose to do. Respect and esteem God for Who He is and not for what He can do for you.

Oh, yes, as you honor Him and His Word, you will see results. You will walk in the blessed life. You will experience breakthrough and turnaround. God looks to and fro throughout the earth to find those who are committed to Him and His Word, not because of what He does for them, but because they love Him with all their hearts and want to please Him and honor Him.

Trust God! He loves you so much. Today and every day show Him how much you love Him and trust Him.