Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Understanding Brings Confidence, Part 2

Let’s finish our study from yesterday on understanding Godly Wisdom, which brings us confidence in God’s desire and His power which He gives to us to overcome challenges in this world.

Every time we as God’s children speak that we are getting Wisdom, we are actually speaking that we are getting the Wisdom of God, Who is Christ the Anointed One and His anointing, Who is the Holy Spirit. With the getting of the Wisdom of God, we are getting understanding of the Word. Understanding brings confidence or faith.

People are trying to achieve confidence in the Lord or develop faith in Him to get results when they don’t yet have the understanding of the Word that they are confessing for results. Here is where we have missed it: Looking for results from mechanical speaking of the Word without understanding and, thus, without confidence. The first time something comes our way to test the confession of that Word, we fold and ask; “Why? I don’t understand what happened. I was speaking the Word.” There is our clue----I don’t understand.

What we must do when a situation comes where we don’t have confidence that we will come through to the other side, we ask the Holy Spirit to bring understanding to us of the Word that is Jesus Christ, Who is the Wisdom of God.

Then, when the understanding comes, or we may call it rhema, (which produces Bible hope), we are ready for the next step, the confidence level or faith. Then, when we speak the word out of our mouth, we release the Holy Spirit, or the anointing, to bring the results or manifestation in our lives. Since we then know that it is not our much doing that will produce the results, we are then confident and rest in Him regardless of what is happening. We know that He is taking care of it. We have confidence in Him, not what we are doing on our own. We are no longer fretting and fuming and agitated and worried about what WE ARE GOING TO DO.

We have missed it by attempting to get results without the first step of understanding. Even in the natural world, mechanical doing of something without understanding can produce mistakes. But when you have understanding of how to do your job, there are not the mistakes that occur with doing it because somebody simply told you to do it, without any explanation of it.

When you hear a teacher or preacher preach the Word of God, he/she has the understanding. What he/she is doing is putting it out there for you to take personally and dig and get the understanding for yourself, not just to parrot what he/she has said. It is a personal walk of confidence or faith, not based on what he/she has understanding of. It is based on your understanding of what you have been taught.

When you get the understanding, you have the confidence in God and His Word for your difficult situation. You know He will bring you through, in spite of the impossibility of it or how long it takes to resolve it. You know He has already taken care of it in the spiritual realm. It is simply a matter of it being accomplished in the physical realm for you personally.

Legally, in the spirit realm, it is already a finished work, a done deal. Jesus has purchased everything we will ever need to live victoriously here in this earth. Personally, in the reality of the earth’s realm, that finished work must become a personal understanding for you in your situation. That understanding brings the confidence you need to withstand what the enemy brings against you. You stand and don’t get ruffled by time passing or the sense of nothing happening. You stand confidently in that finished work for you personally, knowing it is not your job to produce the results. That responsibility belongs to the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, you stay very close to Him, intimate in your relationship, and heed His directions to you; obediently doing what He tells you to do.