God created rest for man, in order that we may balance our soul and body with our spirit. The body needs rest from physical labor. The soul (mind, will, emotions) needs rest from stress and strain. Since our spirit man is housed in this physical body and since the soul is the avenue by which the spirit communicates to the outside world, we must take care of both of them. Have you ever noticed that when you are tired and weary in your body, it is not as easy to operate from your spirit? Or how about this? When you are emotionally distraught, it is hard to get quiet so that you can hear what you spirit man is saying to you? And, yes, there is that mind to contend with. When the mind is questioning and doubtful and full of fear, there is not much room for faith and peace.
Jesus told us that we who are weary and heavy-laden must come unto Him and He will give us rest. We are told in Isaiah 16:3 that the Lord will keep us in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Jesus also told us: Let not your heart be troubled. Paul told us to think on things that are true and pure and honest and lovely and just and of a good report. There are so many admonitions to us to be peaceful and restful.
When I am at rest, on many occasions, that is the time I can hear the voice of the Lord clearly speaking to me. All is still, and I have an uncluttered time of tranquility. For many, that time is in the early morning, when the light is breaking and the birds are singing their best songs. For me, that time is in the evening, after my day’s activities, when I sit on my couch in my office and watch the night curtain draw around us for a time of rest and reflection. I love to listen to praise and worship music or quietly read my Bible, or sit there and meditate on how good God is to me.
You will notice that I am not talking about a time of intercessory prayer or listening to teaching CD’s or taking notes from God’s Word. I am talking about relaxing. To many of us, that is a foreign word in this present-day world. There is so much activity swirling all around us. Everybody is in a hurry to do what they think they just have to do before their day concludes.
I went to my eye doctor today and had to go to the city for my appointment. People are so frenetic in their activity. They have to pass you on the road. They have to have the highest speed. They have to get ahead of you. And what for? So that they can save a couple of minutes in the next line of traffic while they fretfully look at their watch, ticking off the delay time for their next appointment. Fret! Stress! On the edge! God never intended for mankind to operate like this.
I have some advice for me and you. Take time to sit at the breakfast, lunch and dinner table to digest your food well, to have some pleasant conversation with your loved ones. Or if you can only have one time a day, deliberately choose that time to enjoy yourself. I guarantee you will have less doctor visits and still get as much done as you would have accomplished otherwise.
Time is a gift. How have you been using it? Are you using it at the direction of the Holy Spirit? Or are you setting your own busy pace, oblivious to the unction of the Holy Spirit? What is done for Christ will last; nothing else will be of any value. It’s evaluation time for all of us. Your time will be spent (just like your money) on what is most important to you. Rest is a vital part of our lives. It determines our well being. It must be factored into the equation of time. REST!
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