Authority and Power, Part 6
Hebrews 2:14,15
Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
In this passage, let’s look at several words in the Greek.
Destroy: Render entirely idle, useless; totally incapacitate; completely paralyze and put out of commission forever; render absolutely helpless
In the Berkeley translation it says that Jesus neutralized satan; in Goodspeed, He dethroned satan; in Rotherham, He paralyzed satan; in Moffatt’s, He crushed satan.
Power: Strength, vigor, dominion
Bondage: Slavery
From the understanding of the words “destroy,” “power,” and “bondage,” in Hebrews 2:14,15, we see that Jesus became like us by taking on a flesh and blood body. He allowed His flesh and blood body to take on death in order that He might render satan absolutely helpless who had had the strength and vigor of death over you and me. Every human being had been held in slavery to the fear of death all their lives. Jesus delivered us from that fear when He put satan out of commission.
As you read this passage today, you may say to yourself: Well, you could have fooled me that satan is rendered absolutely helpless. It looks like he is tearing up everything in my life. What every one of us must realize is that Jesus took care of satan and his works for us. It is a done deal. Now we have to personally enforce that defeat in our lives when the enemy comes to steal from us what is rightfully ours. It is a stand against all the pressure and the tactics of the enemy. But we always overcome, according to the Word of God.
Here’s what it amounts to in our lives. Jesus has given us the victory over satan. He has given us the power and authority to enforce that defeat. If we don’t know we have authority or if we do not use our authority, then satan “runs over us” and loves every minute of it as he rubs in God’s face that another one of His children has gone down.
The purpose of these Pearls over this week and some of next week is to encourage you to get up and take back the territory that has been taken from you by satan, whether it is in your finances or your physical body or relationships. Whatever it is, get up and fight for your rights. And it has nothing to do with the way you feel. There are some days when I feel like I am the weakest one in the Body of Christ, but that is feelings. That is not what the Word says. We must get to the point where the Word of God is the only, the first and the final authority in our lives. If the Word says it, then I believe it and I receive it for myself. That must be our attitude.
You are an overcomer in this world through Christ Jesus. Rise to the fullness of the authority you have been given. You are a mighty man/woman of God!
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