Declare The Righteousness of God
So, in obedience to Him, I declare the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus over you, over your loved ones and friends and country. I declare the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus over me and my loved ones and friends.
We have talked about righteousness before but let’s look at it again. Apparently, God has something to say this morning. Righteousness is the rightness of God, His right way of doing things, His right way of saying things. And His righteousness is what we become when we accept Him as our Savior. From that point on, we have access to tap into God’s way of thinking and doing. He becomes our right-of-way, so to speak; that is, if we accept His way of doing things.
And how do we know how He does things? He has left us a guidebook called our Bible, which tells us how to think, how to speak and how to act. We are put to the true test when it appears in the natural that what we are practicing of God’s Kingdom doesn’t seem to be working, doesn’t seem to be doing any good. But His Word always works. Stay steadfast. Don’t waver. And above all else, don’t quit. There is an expression in the natural world, but it is applicable here. Quitters never win. And winners never quit.
When we put our entire trust in our great Almighty God and allow Him to work out situations and circumstances, they will line up with the Word of God, if we don’t falter or waver. Refuse to look at contrary circumstances and contradictory situations. They are temporal, subject to change. Anything which is of this world is subject to change, subject to being turned around by God’s Word. What happens to most people is that they quit when the “going gets tough.”
What is your challenge today? Even if you don’t have a challenge, declare the righteousness of God over everything you can think of. He is righteous. He is right.
Let’s just look at another side of the coin. Even though God is righteous, He has given man the right to exercise his own rights, if he so chooses, establishing his own righteousness (Romans 10:3). Man is a very capable, intelligent creature, who can do many things in his own efforts. And sometimes man becomes very sure of himself in his own abilities. That is very dangerous territory. The Bible says: Beware when you think you stand, take heed lest you fall. (1 Cor. 10:12) Now, don’t get under condemnation and start self-analyzing yourself and critiquing yourself and saying: Oh, no, is that me? Is that what I am doing? If you have to ask yourself those questions, you are not guilty. It is those who say that they are rich and increased and want nothing, have need of nothing, who must beware.
When you declare the righteousness of God over situations, you are declaring the goodness of God, you are declaring the faithfulness of God, you are declaring the favor of God, you are declaring the mercy of God, you are declaring the grace of God, your are declaring the love of God, you are declaring the life of God, you are declaring the light of God into, over and around that circumstance.
Let’s start a quick study on righteousness. You can do your own study, but this will get you started. Isaiah 54:14 says that we are established in righteousness. 2 Peter 1:1 says that faith comes through righteousness. Phil. 3:9 and Romans 3:22 says righteousness which is of God is by faith. James 3:18 says that the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace. Hebrews 5:13 calls God’s Word the Word of righteousness. Ephesians 5:9 says that the fruit of the spirit is in all righteousness. Romans 10:10 says that it is with our hearts that we believe unto righteousness. Romans 5:17 tells us that righteousness is a gift of God to us. Jesus has been made unto us righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30). We are made the righteousness of God (1 Corinthians 5:21).
Always remember that it is God who has made you right with Him, righteous (not your efforts).
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