Psalm 112 - Part 1
So, it seems to me that if we want to know how to prosper, it would be a good idea to see what this psalm has to say. And remember, prosper means to go to the highest level in something desired. As Christians, as children of God, if we are walking with Him, walking in the Spirit, then the desires of our heart are those placed there by the Lord. Too many Christians are so afraid that the desires in their hearts may not be from the Lord. If you are living right, God-like desires come in your heart. If you are in sin, obviously, there will be desires not of God. And you know if you are living right or not. Your heart will tell you. No one has to tell you. When we delight ourselves in the Lord, He gives us the desires of our hearts.
This Psalm starts with praise. Every day of our lives, we should start with praising the Lord for His goodness, for what He has done and continues to do. Praise Him. Why praise Him? How about for starters? He loves us so much that He suffered and died in our place, as our substitute, saved us from satan’s hell and gave us access to Father again, reconciled us to Him. What a point to stop right here and praise Him. That is what His goodness is all about. He ever has you and me on His mind, on His heart. His desire is to be with us, to bless us, to take care of us.
Look at the next part of that verse: We are blessed who respect and hold in awe and worship the Lord. We are blessed who delight greatly in His commandments, His Word.
Blessed is what God did with man in the beginning. It says in Genesis 1:28, after God created man in His own image: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.
What is The Blessing of God? It is God’s impartation of His nature to you and me so that we can prosper, succeed in carrying out our destiny, the plan of God for us while we are here on this earth on assignment. And what is that general plan? It is spelled out in verse 28 of Genesis 1. Be fruitful, multiply, replenish or fill up the earth and subdue it. You have dominion from God. What is dominion? Authority.
Here are God’s instructions. And it doesn’t mean having babies. That is part of it. He is talking here about our overall life here on this earth. It should be a life of fruitfulness, multiplication, filling up others with God’s life and love and light. It should be a life of taking authority over that which comes against us. It should be a life of multiplication, not subtraction and division. It should be a life of filling up to the full until it overflows, not emptying out to the max until we are dry. This was God’s original intention for mankind as He outlined in the Garden of Eden. In essence He was saying: Duplicate Me; duplicate My nature, and My nature is one of multiplication. That is all God has. He cannot produce what He does not have. All He has is fruitfulness, multiplication, filling up, dominion. There is nothing else in Him. And there is nothing else in us, if we are His children. But do you know what happens? We allow the lack, the unfruitfulness, the dismalness, the disease, the fear, the doubt of this world’s system to come and dilute and contaminate the very beauty of what God Himself put in us as His children. Dilution, contamination, sin, deprivation happens to those who don’t understand or look to God as all-sufficient, all-powerful, capable of handling all affairs of life.
Let’s focus on what a great and mighty, powerful God we have as our Father. Let’s focus on the fact that His power is in us to overcome in this world. We are to be duplicating God’s nature while we are here on this earth. We are to be the ones in authority over the mess of the world system. We are the ones who are to be walking in fruitfulness and filled up to overflowing.
Jesus said in John 10:10 in the Amplified Bible: I have come that you might have and enjoy life, have it in abundance to the full, until it overflows. That is what Psalm 112:1 is talking about. Let’s focus on that today and every day. That should be what is in our thought life.
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