Fear Not - Only Believe
That is a thought-provoking question, but it has a very simple answer. The answer is our own doubts, our own unbelief. What is it that makes us doubt the God Who created the universe, the God Who created us so wonderfully intricate? Why do we doubt His Word? Why do we make up our own explanations for what happens to us that is contrary to His Word? We have an enemy. Actually we have two enemies---the devil and our own flesh. The devil sets us up all the time to doubt that it will happen for us according to God’s Word. He causes us to think that we won’t be one of the fortunate ones who receive our answer. And then our flesh kicks in and comes in full agreement with the circumstances. And it goes something like this in our minds: You know you have never received an answer to this prayer in years and the Word doesn’t seem to be working for you. Why don’t you try some other way to get your answer?
We are all alike. It is the same scenario. But there comes that moment as we spend time in the Word of God and in His Presence when we say: All things are possible to him who believes. I am a believer. Therefore all things are possible for me. And God is in charge of my life; He has only the best for me. That best includes divine health, wealth, prosperity of every kind in my spirit, soul and body, in my finances, my relationships, my family. And I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me. I am an overcomer because God’s Word dwells in me. The power of God is within me and He is my defender.
What I find the most interesting in this life is that satan has convinced people of God that doubt and unbelief is not that bad. After all, there are sins far greater. As usual, satan is a liar. Jesus called doubt and unbelief hardness of heart. And if our heart is hardened, it is difficult to receive anything from God. The whole time Jesus was here on this earth, He was encouraging people to believe, to trust in Him, to believe Him and what He was doing for them.
One of the greatest passages in scripture concerning belief is with Jairus in Mark 5 and Luke 8. I want you to go with me to that scene. Jairus comes to Jesus in desperation and falls at His feet and begs Him in all sincerity and earnestness: My little daughter lies at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay your hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live. You must understand something here. Jairus was putting his reputation on the line. He is a ruler of the synagogue. But he doesn’t care. His daughter is dying. And he must have heard of the healing miracles that Jesus had performed.
So we have the scene. Jesus starts out with Jairus. He is headed to answer Jairus’ request. But something happens on the way to answer Jairus’ request. The crowds were thronging Jesus and following Him A woman somehow breaks through the crowd to Jesus. She is also desperate. Since Jesus knows what you think, I am sure He was hearing what was going on in Jairus’ mind. Jairus had the authority to have her stoned because she wasn’t even supposed to be out in the public in her condition as a woman with an issue of blood. But she didn’t care. She had nothing to lose. She had lost all her money and all her dignity following the world’s way, man’s way of healing her. Now she had built her faith up by SAYING: IF I MAY TOUCH BUT HIS CLOTHES, I SHALL BE WHOLE.
She touched Jesus and her fountain of blood was dried up. Jesus knew that someone had touched His clothes because He felt the anointing go out of Him to someone. He asked a question. Who touched me? The woman, fearing and trembling, came and fell down at Jesus’ feet and told Him everything. Don’t you know that took some time. Meanwhile, Jairus is waiting for Jesus to move on to his house. And then the bad news came. One from Jairus’ house came and said: Your daughter is dead. There’s no use to trouble the Master any further.
And Jesus, upon hearing the word of the little girls’ death, spoke to Jairus before he could get anything out of his mouth. BE NOT AFRAID; ONLY BELIEVE (Mark5:36) FEAR NOT; BELIEVE ONLY. (Luke 8:50)
If we will believe, all things are possible to him who believes. This passage of scripture is very important for us to take into our spirit man as God’s Word to us. Fear not; only believe. Doubt not that God is looking out for your best interests. Doubt not that it will happen for you just as it is promised in the Word of God, just as God promised you. He is back of every Word in this Bible. It is His Word that He has spoken. Isaiah 55 tells us that His Word will not return to Him without producing results. Do you believe that? Then don’t back down from what you have asked of God.
Jairus didn’t back down and he received his daughter back to life. Even if it looks like all hope is gone, keep on believing. In Romans 4 when all natural hope was gone for Abraham, He got his hope from what God had spoken to him. And faith is the substance of things hoped for.
What is it that is stopping you today from believing God will answer your prayer, your request? Fear not; believe only.
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