Authority - 5
Let’s look at scriptures regarding Lucifer in Ezekiel 28:11-19 and Isaiah 14:12-14. He was created perfect, holding full authority over heaven and earth. He took his place as the highest, most beautiful, most powerful, wisest of all God’s creatures (Ezekiel 12 and 15). He was in Eden, which was one of mineral beauty (v. 13), not the one Adam was in. Revelation 21:19,20 is nearly a parallel passage. The magnificence of this great ruling angel is obvious. He had a definite beginning. We see he was created. He was a creature of praise; beautiful sounds came from him.(v.13&15). He was the anointed cherub----one of a kind (anointing indicates a covering; anointed here means with outstretched wings, outspread). He was the protecting cherub with spread-out wings covering the throne and presence of God. The present application for us here is: satan lost his covering and tries to get us to lose ours or never to walk in it through lack of knowledge. He tries to rob you of your anointing.
In v. 16 merchandise (something that passes through hands) here is heaven’s merchandise which apparently passed through Lucifer’s hands----praise and worship was carried to God, and authority was carried from God to angelic armies.
In v. 15&17 iniquity here that was found in satan was the result of not being able to handle the glory of God, being intoxicated with his own beauty and power, position and authority, seeing self as equal to God, with pride emerging to try to keep some praise for himself. Sin was born and evil began through self-exaltation.
In Isaiah 14:12-14 we hear the self-exaltation. I will ascend to heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God (One of the main purposes of heaven’s great multitude is to glorify God. Lucifer wanted to be above that.). I will sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north (He wanted to be the governing one over all angels who administered in heaven.). I will ascend above the heights of the clouds (Clouds here represent the glory of God and His throne.). I will make myself like the Most High—El Elyon, the Most High God, Possessor of Heaven and earth. What satan wanted was for God to step aside so that satan could be possessor of heaven and earth.
Even though satan was an angel, he was obviously created as a creature with power of choice, free will, volition. The fact that one-third of the angels followed him in his rebellion reveals their ability to choose and make decisions. Apparently satan also was made with emotions, will, intellect through which he could plan obedience or rebellion, whichever his desire. He could have rejected the temptation had he so desired. He chose rather to mull it over until it conceived action.
What happens to satan can happen to us when we selfishly want the glory for ourselves and pride creeps in. The moment we exercise our wills to keep some of God’s merchandise (praise, worship, glory) for ourselves, sin is born.
After Lucifer’s rebellion, he was shut out of heaven and cast down to earth, apparently between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. The earth was created in verse 1 and God doesn’t create anything without form and void. According to scholars, the word “was” in verse 2 should read “became.” There was a great catastrophe between verses 1 and 2, which is apparent from Isaiah 45:18. The answer appears to be the judgment of satan. When Lucifer fell, darkness covered the face of the deep, as God withdrew His Glory. He who wanted to rule ruled over nothing except a chaotic mess. When he was cast to the earth, of course, he would bring his nature to it. The only source of life withdrew His life. When Lucifer was cast out, chaos was the result. He underwent a name and character change. He became satan, accuser of the brethren, adversary of God, author of evil. This was he who watched on as God created man.
Satan’s dream was to be like God. He heard God say that man was going to be like God. Satan saw a way to get back at God and gain control. God had told man one thing he couldn’t do. Satan would get man to do the same thing he had done, act independently of God, act on his own and disobey.
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