Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Authority of the Believer - 19

Let’s look at another area Jesus bore for us and one in which we need to take authority over satan in our lives. Jesus became poor that we might be rich.

In 2 Corinthians 8:9 we read in the King James Version: For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor (inadequate, wanting), that ye through his poverty might be rich (well-supplied).

Jesus was rich, equal with the Father, above the ability to experience want or need.
He emptied Himself totally of all wealth to experientially suffer poverty for all that we might experience prosperity. He was born in an unsanitary roadside cave/barn for animals, without privacy, raised in a poor family and worked hard for a living. Christ became destitute that we might become wealthy.

In 3 John 2 we read that God desires that we may prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers. To prosper means to succeed. To succeed means to attain our desired end. God desires that we succeed in our finances and in our bodies as we succeed in our souls. We must prosper in our souls first (minds, will, emotions) before we will prosper in our finances and in our bodies. Many times people forget that there is more to it than just achieving the desired end result in our finances. That desired end result will never come until we are prospering in our souls, with our minds continually being renewed and washed by the water of the Word of God, with our emotions conformed to God’s fruit, with our will immersed in His will. We must first seek and fall in love with Him Who is the author of prosperity in every area of our lives. And with Him comes everything that He has. Seek the Master and the “stuff” will be yours because you are part of the household of God. What is His and in His household belongs to us as His children.

In verse after verse in the Old Testament we read that God has an attitude of pity toward the poor. So, not only must we learn how to overcome poverty, but also we must be generous and unselfish, ministering to the needs of the poor. In Proverbs 14:31 we read that He that honors His Maker has mercy on the poor. In Proverbs 14:17 we read that He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and that which he has given the Lord will repay to him. In Proverbs 22:9 we read that he who has a bountiful eye shall be blessed. He gives of his bread to the poor. In Proverbs 28:27 we read that he that gives to the poor shall not lack. In Deuteronomy 15:7-11 we are told that we are to open our hands wide to the poor and needy.

And why do you think God pities the poor. He knows satan is behind their problems. In John 10:10 we are told that the thief satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came that we might have and enjoy life in abundance, to the full until it overflows. That word “pity” is not the way we think of pity. When God pities, He has the greatest compassion for you and wants you out of your bad situation to the point that He took your place so that you could go free. He took the poverty. We take the prosperity of finances, going into a wealthy place.

In Philippians 4:19 we read that God supplies our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. In the Amplified Bible, we read it this way. My God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

In Ephesians 1:3 we read that we have been blessed (past tense) with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.

What a privilege we have to take the world’s riches and use them for the Kingdom of God. Jesus took all the work out of it and gave us the prize of the world’s riches. Riches here mean wealth, money. Money is only filthy lucre in the hands of fools, in the hands of the people of the world. In the hands of God’s people, who have the right attitude, money is a tool to get the gospel out to the world, to get people born again so that we can wrap this thing up and be with Jesus. Money is only a tool----nothing more, nothing less. It is not to be worshipped or create fearfulness in our minds that we won’t have enough. The whole money economy is subject to change at a moment’s notice. God’s Word is not subject to change. Take His Word and change your whole financial life. It will take time and standing in firmness where the world is concerned and your money that they have. Don’t bow to their system. Don’t allow their system to control you. Use their system to get the finances you need to get the good news out to every person on the face of this earth. Jesus loves you and He wants only the best for you. He is waiting for you.