Authority - 13
Before Jesus purchased permanent relief for all, He must first bind the strong man in the same say the strong man bound Adam. The same word Adam doubted now must work to force satan to acknowledge its authority on him. Satan had twisted God’s Word, using it to defeat believers and persuading them to question God. Christ used the same Word without doubt or hesitation to defeat satan, proving God meant what He said and said what He meant. Jesus ministered strictly under the authority of the Word. He did nothing except through the Word.
When Adam rejected the Word, he rejected God since God and His Word are one and indissoluble (not able to be dissolved). To deny the Word is to deny God. To believe the Word is to believe God. 2 Chronicles 20:20 Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established….
Jesus with the Word as His only weapon entered into satan’s territory, earth (satan controlled the earth and set up his kingdom on it BUT----------
Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, (He made it.) and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Psalm 50:12…for the world is mine, and the fullness thereof.
Psalm 89:11 The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world and the fullness thereof, thou hast founded them.
1 Corinthians 10:26 For the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.
Jesus entered the earth and took away from satan all that he had relied upon. Jesus experienced for man all that man was helpless to withstand. Satan used everything he had on Jesus. Jesus didn’t rely on His heavenly abilities to win the battle, because He had given them into the Father’s hands when he came to the earth. He used exactly what Adam had been given by God the Father. He looked to His Father, fellowshipped with Him and listened to Him. Then He did what the Father showed Him to do and said what the Father told Him to say. He didn’t fight the battle on His own. He depended on the Father. He used the authority the Father had originally given to mankind, and because of the covenants God had established with mankind up to that time, he had the right to walk in that authority. He used His authority and took charge because He knew Who He was.
Now you can understand why the masses resisted Jesus and all the trouble He encountered. It was satan inspired. This was winner take all.
Whenever Jesus appeared and appears on the scene, that of satan must go. It is the same with you. Whe you appear on the scene with Jesus in you, that which is evil must go. It has no choice. There is no choice. Wherever God is, evil cannot stay in the same place. Wherever Love, Who is God, is, evil goes. Take charge and stand your ground. There is no need to cower in the corner. You have the upper hand. You have been given the power and the authority to use it.
When the strength of truth confronts a wall of lies, the wall must crumble.
Fear himself flees when LOVE HIMSELF comes on the scene.
Sickness flees when the HEALER comes.
Death loses its power in the presence of LIFE.
Error can’t stand around TRUTH
Doubt and unbelief bow to BELIEF.
Fear bows to FAITH
Poverty gives way to PROSPERITY.
Now you can see why Jesus came to this earth. It is more than just defeating satan, sin, death for us. It goes beyond that, to giving us reoccupation and victory. Not only did Jesus have an active part in doing this for us, but he handed it to us and said: Now, you do it. You enforce the defeat I have purchased for you. It is a done deal. It is a finished work. Be the occupation forces. Take charge. You are in control now. It is your territory to guard and reinforce the defeat of the enemy.
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