Authority - 8
The eighth results of Adam’s disobedience and fall was this: death was born. There are three kinds of death mentioned in scriptures. There is physical death which is separation of the inner man from the outer man, separation of man’s spirit from his body. There is spiritual death which is separation from God because of sin. There is the second death which is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire.
When Adam was created, he was dependent on God for his spiritual life and was receiving life. When he disobeyed, he became dependent on satan and received death. Spiritual death came first and then physical death. The body was designed to live forever, recreate itself every 7 to 11 years. Not one cell in your body is there that was there 11 years ago. It took satan over 900 years to teach Adam how to die because He didn’t know how.
Here is a description from scriptures of the unregenerated man, the man without God. He compulsively follows the world system which is organized by satan and administered by him and man. This man moves according to the will of satan. He has no choice. He does as satan wills. He walks in the lusts of his flesh, an uncontrollable yielding to the desires of the world, the flesh and the devil. His inner man is corrupt and his outer man does what his inner man directs. By nature he is a child of wrath, born a liar, thief, deceiver, who refuses to accept the blame for his own problems.
He is a mortal (death-doomed) man, subject to the devil’s authority, custodian of children born for the devil, rather than God, (Man was given the beautiful assignment to give birth to God’s children.) living in pain, misery, sickness, defeat, frustration, anger, hatred, death, as an enemy to God with no approach to God (except by blood sacrifice later provided), mind veiled, blinded to God, to His will, to His ways, to His nature, no legal rights, a criminal without reprieve, by his own treason-----a sell-out to the devil.
What a horrible life to be chained to. But, God-----------
After Adam’s fall, God set about immediately to put in motion His plan to restore fellowship with His child and regain the child’s authority for him. God’s love would go to any means to do it. God seeks man and not vice versa. Thus, we have in Genesis 3:15 enmity between satan and woman, enmity between her seed and satan. The seed of the woman would bruise (break) the head (lordship of ruler, authority), telling satan eventually he would lose all he had gained but satan didn’t know how or when.
Here are the requirements for the challenger of satan.
First, the challenger had to be a real man, representing humanity, but at the same time must have standing before God that is free of guilt, fear, inferiority, condemnation, sin---a righteous man. He had to stand as Adam did, in righteousness.
Second, he had to be able to identify, understand and sympathize with man’s temptations and problems. He must be able to feel man’s frustrations and the force of satan’s nature drawing him, but he could not yield to satan’s pressures.
Third, he could not be subject to satan in anything, yet must identify with the works satan uses on men.
Fourth, as a man he couldn’t be born of natural generation.
Fifth, as man’s redeemed he had to be greater and stronger than satan.
The only way for these requirements to be met was this. Since only God is greater than satan and man is made in the image and likeness of God, this man must be born of the union of God and man. From woman would come the natural flesh of man. From God would come the seed, the source of life. He must be a genuine member of the human family, yet conceived by the Holy Spirit
Satan kept wondering who the seed was and tried to eliminate everyone he thought was the seed----Abel, Abraham’s two sons Isaac and Ishmael, Isaac’s two sons Jacob and Esau, Joseph, Moses, David, the prophets.
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