Authority - 7
First, satan gained Adam’s authority over the earth, everything God gave Adam authority over in Genesis 1:26-28. Satan didn’t get this earth which is still God’s. He got the authority over it, the lease. In John 14:30 and 2 Corinthians 4:3,4 satan is called the prince of this world, the political head of mankind and the kingdoms of this world. When Jesus was tempted, satan said the authority of this world has been delivered to me. Jesus didn’t refute it, either, so we know it’s true (Luke 4:5,6).
Second, there was a change in the nature of animals.
Third, there was a change in plant life, blight and pestilence and weeds.
Fourth, man took on satan’s own nature and disposition, polluting man’s mind, emotions, will. The treasure of God’s own heart was branded with satan’s nature, causing man to become God’s enemy. Man now bore the image of his new ruler, satan. God’s cherished child turned against Him. I can’t even imagine how God must have felt. He does have feelings. He loves greatly and deeply. BUT GOD HAD A PLAN, ESTABLISHED SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.
Because of Adam’s forfeiting his relationship to God, the following happened. Revelation knowledge of God and His kingdom was lost. The senses of man became dominant. Man no longer depended on his spirit for guidance. Reason with its unbelief, doubts, and fears came alive. God’s ability in man was severed. Man’s word lacked authority and power because he was disconnected from the Word of God. Man became self-conscious instead of God-conscious. He became fearful of God. He who was crowned lord of the earth became a coward and a liar. Man was alienated from the life of God----his conscience was darkened (Ephesians 4:18; 2 Corinthians 4:4). In Adam we see all men separated from the life of God, alienated, strangers to the covenant of promise, having no hope, without God in this world-----no life, no approach to God, no claims on God, having forfeited every privilege God gave him.
Man was now a partaker of satan’s nature, thinking, acting, feeling exactly as satan does—fearful, lying, deceptive, murderer, full of hatred and anger and self-importance, independent and looking to his own works to sustain him. Adam was satan’s subject politically, his child, resisting the will of God, rejecting the Word of God, deserting the way of God.
God seeks us because we cannot seek Him with satan’s nature in us (Romans 3:11). The merciful Father sought Abram while he was an idolator. He sought Jacob at Bethel when he ran. He sought the fugitive Moses when he ran. Christ sought His fearful disciples who forsook Him, after He was resurrected. The Chief Shepherd seeks lost lambs today. Man’s heart is the devil’s palace, his throne room, and the enemy uses man’s entire faculties as his own. From the heart of the sinner satan rules and works in children of disobedience.
Fifth, sickness and disease came.
Sixth, poverty is now present; needs are unmet; people are need-oriented.
Seventh, Adam lost the ability to control his tongue and to use it for good. Adam already knew how to speak blessings but the minute he partook of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he gained knowledge of how to produce calamity with the words of his mouth. Once Adam partook of the tree of good and evil, God had to get him out of the Garden of Eden before he partook of the tree of life and would live forever on the earth in his sinful state. Every evil person that was ever born would have lived forever as a hateful, sinful person. It would have been hell on earth. And satan would have succeeded in having for man what God had destined for him.
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