Authority - 6
He approached Eve as the shining one in a serpent’s body (deception). Apparently the serpent had the natural power of speech. When it spoke to Eve, as Adam stood listening, neither one was startled. Serpent here is nachash and means to hiss, to whisper a magic spell; to shine, brassy, money. There is a link between nachash and Lucifer. Isaiah saw angels around the throne of God as so dazzling he called them “burning ones.” In Numbers 21:6 fiery serpents are called seraph nachash. One word is shining one; the other is shining star, so the serpent that met Eve was a bright, shining, splendid, upright creature with a voice that sang with the clearest musical tone.
Adam stood by and let satan deceive Eve. Adam let it happen. Adam was right there with Eve when satan came. He didn’t protect the garden from all intrusion (keep it) as he had been instructed by God. Adam stood there with all authority invested in him by God (as we have today to protect our hearts, our spirits, our spiritual Garden of Eden) to protect the Garden of Eden and all in it. Adam bowed his knee to an outlaw spirit and allowed the curse to come. He invited destruction. We see here again the implication for us today. There are many things we should not allow to happen, as Adam, but permit them to come to pass. God entrusts us with authority and ministry but that authority is not for us to use as we please, acting independently of God. The authority will work, but we are to act according to what God tells us to do, when He tells us, how He tells us to do it. We act as a team with God. The Holy Spirit guides us. The Word gives us our specifics. Jesus intercedes that it be done. The Father has already set it up to be done.
Satan’s mode of operation is this. This is the way he operates in us also. He attacks the goodness of God. He destroys confidence in God’s Word. He starts with a little doubt and then starts building a case of unbelief, sprinkled liberally with fear. Next, he casts doubt on your ability to be what God says you are. Satan can never get victory when you hold to and stay in the Word of God.
When satan said God didn’t mean what He said, satan was speaking out of his own heart’s desire to take God’s place. If he couldn’t take God’s place, he’d snatch the one closest to God.
Don’t ever act apart from God’s Word because if you act on your own, you leave the authority of the Word (Jesus is called the Word in John 1 and in Revelation.) and come directly under satan’s control.
Every person alive is either controlled by God through His Word or satan through disobedience to the Word of God. Jesus must be your Lord and you do nothing independently of Him, of what He tells you to do. Satan sinned by doing more than God ordained. Adam sinned by not doing what God told him to do. It was disobedience in both cases.
Adam’s sin was doing nothing when satan challenged his authority. By not using his authority, Adam lost it. Because he was not acting on his ability and God’s investment in him, he lost his responsibility. Adam allowed the enemy to challenge the government of God, which Adam represented on the earth, by not doing anything to stop satan. Therefore, Adam allowed himself to come under satan’s dominion by default. So, the earth belonged to satan legally and he had the right to confer it on anyone he wished, just as Adam did. Earth would remain his until someone stronger than he came and legally took it from him.
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