Authority - 9
Here is the progression.
Before the fall of Adam God has intimate fellowship with him. Revelation knowledge flowed. Adam gave in to satan. Therefore, he shut God out. God was on the outside looking in. Adam lost his authority. Satan became the god of this world system. God needed legal entry to get back into earthly affairs. How did He do it? He made covenants with man. In each covenant man had to make a step toward God, make a choice.
In Genesis 6:18 God made a covenant with Noah. Why did God make a covenant with Noah? Noah had a physical body, which gave him a certain amount of authority on earth. God had limited Himself in what He could do because of what He said in Genesis 1:26-28. God does have power to do whatever He wants to do but because of His Word He has limited Himself in certain things.
The dust of the earth no longer belonged to God, because Adam, God’s son, had handed His Father’s gift of lordship or ownership of the earth and himself over to satan. God couldn’t just wipe it all out and start over again. He had spoken His Word. God has bound Himself to His Word.
Adam had lost dominion. God had to move legally according to His Word already spoken. He had bound Himself. Therefore, God must work legally through man to gain back dominion for man. And the beginning of gaining back was the covenant with Noah. God started putting things in motion through this covenant in Genesis 9:8-17.
I want you to note something here in Genesis 11:1,6. Even in his evil state, when man was in unity, nothing could be restrained from him which he imagined to do. What a powerful truth for us today as God’s children, the Body of Christ. In unity all things can be accomplished; nothing is impossible of being performed. Oh that we would grasp this truth and walk in it. What a powerhouse we are in unity. And the only way to be unified is by love, because God is Love and Love is God.
Listen to verse 6 in the Amplified Bible.
And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible to them.
Listen to the definition of imagine. To form a mental image of; to represent or picture to oneself; to produce by the imagination. And listen to the definition of image. A mental representation of anything not actually present to the senses.
Now let’s look at the covenants God made with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before the fall. And look at the conditions of the covenant after the fall. Then we’ll look at Noah’s covenant and study Abraham’s covenant. We must understand a few points about covenant before we can go on. A covenant is between two people where the strengths of the two people are combined so that their weaknesses are covered. It was sworn in blood to indicate that it was eternal, everlasting, through the blood of their generations. Everything one person had belonged to the other and vice verse, once they swore in blood. Two representatives performed this covenant ceremony in front of all the people of the two tribes or families. There was an exchange of physical representations of their strength with one another. In the Bible, they shed the blood of animals, representing their own blood shed. In God’s kingdom, man does not shed blood for cutting covenant. Only in heathen groups was that performed. And there was always a covenant meal which was eaten as a final seal of the covenant that was sworn between the two groups. Jesus is our Lamb, whose blood cuts our covenant of blessing and the bread and the wine is our covenant meal. Hallelujah! We have covenant with Almighty God.
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