Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Authority of the Believer - 25

In this teaching let’s talk some more about reigning as kings in this life right now under King Jesus.

Since the enemy is a defeated foe and has nothing to tyrannize me, what is there to overcome?

All that has been done by Christ for me is legally mine, but I must personally experience it for myself. I must use it personally.

The adversary and his army of evil spirits continue to counterattack and contest every inch of ground they’ve lost. Now they contest it individually. Just as the promised land was Israel’s legally and promised, they had to take it by means of war. Then after they settled on it, they had to fight to keep it. Why? Because former inhabitants refuse to accept their dispossession passively. Do you get the picture. In Matthew 11:12 we read that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. As a Christian you must see your promises, fight for them and keep them, lay hold of them by faith. You are released to reign in this life as a conqueror and possessor of all that Jesus Christ has gotten for you.

Our position in Jesus Christ is confirmed by the Word of God; it’s a faith position received by faith, held by faith. Regardless of what you feel like or what it looks like, you must believe that you have received what Jesus has bought for you. You may feel weak and powerless; it may look like you are going to have to declare bankruptcy; it may look like you are dying; your life may appear to be hopelessly entangled in a mess that it looks like there is no way out. In spite of all this, you must look at what Jesus has bought for you, who you are in Christ. You must NOT look at your circumstances, even though they are screaming for attention.

I will give you an earthly illustration of what I am talking about here. As I am typing this Pearls today, my cat is insisting on going outside and is whining and whining. She is lying on the little hope chest in the room where my computer is and every once in a while she will let out one of her little whines. That is the way circumstances insistently call to us. I am ignoring her, but she still whines. She wants to go outside but I am busy and she will have to wait. When circumstances cry out for attention, don’t pay attention to their insistent whines and calls. They will stop after a while because whatever we give attention to continues. It is just taking that first step that is the hardest and then being steadfast as the cry for attention continues, until you are victorious over it.

We are victorious and have the authority over all that comes against us. What we must do is to exercise our authority. In the beginning we will be rather weak but we gain strength as we continue to exercise the authority that Jesus has given to us. Satan knows we have that authority but we must know we have it and exercise it.

We must have absolute and total dependence on Christ. Through Him we reign over circumstances, poverty, disease, sin, anything that hinders our walk on this earth. Jesus is the King of kings (us) in the Kingdom of God with spiritual rule and authority which He has given to you and me on this earth. A king has confidence in his ability, his authority. Kings exercise authority, defend the kingdom against all challengers, and when they speak it’s done. When they command, they are obeyed. They are the voice of authority. Their voice has a boldness in it and authoritativeness.

A king either overcomes or he is overcome. If he doesn’t see that his commands are carried out (obeyed, followed), he is inviting an open confrontation with his challenger. Satan waits, ever ready to see if we really believe what we say. Do we know who we are? Are we exercising authority that we know how to use? Do we really mean what we say? Do we as God’s children know what kingdom He has given us to rule over?

Today, if you do not know who you are, if you are back and forth on what you believe, don’t give up. Keep on being faithful to stay in God’s Word and ask Him for help to personally use the authority He has given to you to overcome every situation which faces you in life. It is a continual learning experience. Our Lord knows what we face here on this earth. He knows our makeup and what we have to overcome. Keep on being faithful, especially in the middle of difficult circumstances. We have many things that confront us and come against us. But remember that the Greater One lives in you and He is greater than all that is in the world. And that is not just a trite, worn-out phrase for me. It is reality. I know Who lives in me. He has overcome all and He is in me so that I can overcome all as I totally depend on Him for direction, for guidance through the path that I am walking.

Don’t give up when you are almost to your destination. Keep on going. Keep on looking to the One Who has paid it all for you. Keep on staying faithful to Him and to His Word. And those naysayers who are telling you the Word doesn’t work must remember that they are actually saying that Jesus doesn’t work because He is the Word, according to John 1:1-5. The Word of God, Who is Jesus, will bring results in your life personally if you will believe and if you will receive.

Right now, where you are, say: I believe I receive. I believe I receive. I believe I receive. And you fill in the blank of what you believe you receive. Perhaps it is healing you need. I believe I receive my healing. I believe I receive my healing. I believe I receive my healing. Perhaps it is finances you need. I believe I receive my bills paid. I believe I receive ideas and concepts on how to bring in the finances to pay my bills. I believe I receive divine guidance and wisdom to be wise in my finances. I believe I receive. Jesus is standing there with the answer every time. It is a matter of us learning how to reach out and take it for ourselves. We take it with our mouth speaking and believing that what we say will produce results. On purpose, choose to believe that what you say will come to pass. After all, that is what Mark 11:23 says. Believe it for yourself. The Word works.