Psalm 91 Study, Part 10
You shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent shall you trample underfoot.
Obviously, we all know that this verse does not literally refer to treading and trampling lions and snakes under our feet. It is referring to satan and the demonic realm of activity. The Lord God told us the following in Genesis 3:15, after Adam and Eve had sinned. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring; He will bruise and tread your head underfoot and you will lie in wait and bruise His heel.
This was God prophesying the devil’s defeat by Jesus Christ as the Son of God, son of man on this earth when He died in our place, became our substitute. Jesus Christ took authority over the devil, demons and their works and when He rose from the dead, He gave that authority to us as God’s children. We are children of God just as Jesus is the Son of God. After He rose, we are told in many places in the scripture that we are heirs with Him, that we are God’s sons and daughters when we accept Jesus and become part of Father’s household. One of the things we must realize is that it is not our authority which our Heavenly Father is allowing us to use as His children. It is His authority. I have seen so many people abuse this gift of God as they began to think it was their authority. Yes, we do have all authority on earth. It was given to us by God Almighty. However, we must learn the source of that authority and how to use it. Jesus said that the greatest faith He had ever seen was by a man who understood authority. He was under authority and had people under him. He understood both how to submit and how to exercise authority.
I firmly believe that until we learn how to submit to one another in the Love of God, we will not be able to exercise the fullness of the authority that God has given to us. We could spend all day talking about authority because I am big on that. Too many people have allowed the devil to walk all over them and whined and cried about what the devil was doing. Since when does a child of God submit to the devil. The Word of God says that we are to submit to God and the devil will flee from us. The word “flee” means flee. It is not hard to understand.
In Hebrews 2:14,15 we see that Jesus rendered the devil powerless for us. In Colossians 2:15 we see that Jesus spoiled, stripped of their authority, principalities and powers. In 1 John 3:8 we see that Jesus undid the works of the devil. In Colossians 1:12,13 we see that the Father has delivered us out of the authority and control of darkness and has transferred us into the Kingdom of the Son of His Love. In Luke 10:19 we see Jesus stating that He has given us authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm us or hurt us. Over and over in the Word of God, our Lord God assures us that we are overcomers through Jesus Christ. He has given us the authority to walk on this earth victoriously over the works of the devil. And what are the works of the devil? They are sickness and disease, lack, poverty, want, children going astray, marriages messing up, doubt, unbelief, religion, and things in general being wrong.
As children of God, we have the ability of God to overcome anything that is thrown in our path. It is His ability. It is His authority. All we have to do is go to Him and ask Him the strategy for coming out of the situation we are in. Most of the time we run to everyone we know for “a word.” Well, we have THE WORD, which God has given to us to tell us how to operate while we are here on this earth. I love God’s Word. It is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. His Word has the answers I need. He deliberately gave me a manual to live by. I think it is absolutely wonderful that He did that.
What kind of situations are you involved with today? And what are you doing about it? Are you attempting to do it “on your own”? Are you running to every pastor in the church for help? Are you calling all of your friends? Or are you going before the Lord and presenting your case and getting the answers you need. He will give you the strategy to overcome all things. The Bible is our answer every time. Look to the Lord and seek His face. Yes, there are times when human counsel will help, but that is after you and I have sought the Lord on what to do. Human counsel is not our first line of inquiry. God’s counsel is our first quest. What is God saying about this?
I have been just as guilty as any of you. So many times I am tempted to pick up the phone or go running to my husband and start to tell him how I feel. What we have to realize is that expressing our feelings about something will never correct the course. Feelings come and go, but the Word of God stands forever. What are you perceiving in your spirit? Or is your spirit so out of tune that you cannot hear what God is saying? I am asking some hard questions here, which we all need to address to ourselves. On the other side of the coin, if you know your authority and you have been exercising that right, then you are in line with God’s Word and you can depend on Him to help you take care of things. Watch Him work on your behalf. It is awesome.
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