God's Word Is A Finished Work
In Psalm 107:20 KJV we read: God sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
God has sent His word in many ways. In the Old Testament He sent His word by the prophets. In the New Testament, He sent His living Word, Jesus Christ. And then He sent us the written word through men anointed by the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Truth. The Truth of His Word which He has sent is brought to light by the Holy Spirit, the anointing of God. The Word of God is just printed ink on a piece of paper until the Spirit of God infuses us in our spirit man with the understanding of the Truth of that Word we just read or spoke or heard.
God sent His Word. For us today, God sent His living Word, Jesus. John 1:1,14 tells us that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
God sent His Word. For us today, God has also sent His written Word so that we can know what His living Word, Jesus Christ, has done for us. All that we read in the Word of God concerning our time here on this earth and the work we are to accomplish, has already been accomplished for us. It is past tense. It is a finished work. All we have to do is accept Jesus’ finished work, believe that it is ours, appropriate it for ourselves. We are to see ourselves walking in the finished work of Jesus Christ. He has already provided healing for us. He has already provided financial wealth for us. He has already provided well-being, peace, tranquility for us. He has already forgiven us of our sins. We are healed and healthy. We are wealthy. We are forgiven. We are full of joy and peace and love.
Why aren’t we walking in these things? Why aren’t we receiving the finished work of Jesus? What is it that is holding us back? What is the problem? I have been asking myself these questions as the new year has come in. What is keeping me back? I believe these questions are reality check questions we all must ask. We all have choke points that need to be removed.
The Bible is God’s written Word. It is His Anointed Word. It is Truth. It is filled with God’s power. It is God Himself speaking. And His anointing destroys every bondage that has yoked itself to us and removes every burden that has been placed on us.
In John 16:13 we read that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. He has come to guide us into all truth. He speaks what He hears. He will show us things to come. The Word for the Holy Spirit is paraclete and means comforter, counselor, advocate, intercessor, strengthener, standby, helper. The Holy Spirit is our counselor to give us advice, counsel. He helps us with our weaknesses when we don’t know how to receive, how to believe, how to overcome. He is the one who prays for us, as well as Jesus. He stands by us and strengthens us all the time. He is ever present, always there, available 24 hours a day. He is the anointing of God, NOW, demonstrating the anointing of the Anointed One, God Himself. Jesus is also called the Anointed One.
The Spirit of God, the Anointed One, is dwelling in us. He is living in us. He is abiding in us. We are His temples. We are His dwelling place. We are the dwelling place of God. That means there is God’s power dwelling in us because the Spirit of God is dwelling in us. (I am speaking to born-again people of God here.) His power is the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power. He is anointed. His Word is anointed.
Do you see where we are going here? His Word is anointed. He is anointed. When I believe, receive and act on God’s Word, the anointing of God will remove burdens and destroy yokes. You say: My burdens are remaining and my yokes are destroying me. What is the problem? I have an answer for you. It is really so simple that you may not want to hear it. We are always looking for something new, something we have not heard before.
The answer is this: The Word of God, which has the anointing of God in the person of the Holy Spirit, WILL set you free. If you are not free today in an area or areas of your life, then the Word is not in your heart. More than likely, it is in your mind, your intellect. When the Word of God is in our hearts, we see results. So, I am saying to myself: Kialeen, you need to get the understanding of the Word of God is areas that are holding you in bondage. That means, I must continue in the Word of God day and night, whether I feel like it or not, whether I feel like I am accomplishing anything or not, whether I feel like it is getting worse, whether I feel like I can’t do it, whether I feel like I can’t receive it. Receiving God’s Word does not depend on how I feel or how things look in the natural.
God’s Word is seed. Faith comes by hearing God’s Word. Practically, get scripture CD’s and listen to the word of God over and over; read the Word of God along with your CD’s or just listen to them; speak that Word out loud and hear yourself speaking it; ponder and think on the Word of God that the Spirit of God quickens for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and teach you and give you the specific Word of God that He wants you to consider, think on, ponder, and get an image inside you of God’s image of you. The Word of God will not work when the image inside you is contrary to His Word. Keep on until you have victory. Victory is easy if you don’t give heed to your enemy who tells you it won’t work and can’t be done. Your God tells you that it will work and can be done FOR YOU. THIS IS YOUR YEAR OF VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!
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