The Hand of God - The Place of His Power
“The hand of God” is a powerful expression. It is indicative of power, of strength, of anointing. It is talking about God’s power. The Holy Spirit is the power of God here on this earth to bring about God’s will. And we know that we determine His will by studying His Word. Jesus prayed that God’s will be done on this earth as it is in heaven. It is to be the same here on this earth for God’s children as it is in heaven. Where we run into difficulty is with our enemy, satan. It is his one purpose to neutralize God’s power in our lives, at the least. And his real aim is to render us helpless in his hand. We have the power, but if we don’t use it, we are as if we have no power.
Hand is the word yad: open hand indicating power, strength, direction, etc. The word yadah means espec. To revere or worship with extended hands, (make) confess(-ion), praise, (give) thank(-ful,-s, -sgiving).
Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father. We are seated with Jesus in heavenly places so we are sitting at the right hand of the Father, representative of the Father’s power.
So, let me ask you a question. What is wrong with us? We have the power, yet we see so many in the Body of Christ, weak, sick, “broke, busted and disgusted.” What is our problem? I’m asking these pointed questions because I want you to think about your own life. Where are you being challenged? And what are you doing about it? Are you feebly groveling at the feet of sickness and weakness and poverty or are you standing up tall, looking sickness in the face, looking lack in the face, looking poverty and want in the face and saying, No, you have no power, nor authority over me. Jesus is my Lord and He has defeated poverty, lack, want, sickness, disease and pain.
When Jesus left this earth, He said that all power, all authority was given to Him. Then He made this statement: Therefore, you go. Why didn’t He say to us: I am giving you my power, my authority. It was already understood that if we had His Spirit dwelling in us, God would be giving us the same thing that Jesus had, the power and authority of God Almighty, to go into all the world.
What do we need with this power? Is it just so that we can lord it over everyone? Is it because we are hungry for power? What is the purpose of power, God’s power? The purpose of God’s power is to heal the sick, raise the dead, set the captives free, spread the Garden of Eden all over this earth, set people free from the dominion of satan and his demonic forces. Jesus said in Luke 4:18 that He had come to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised or broken down. That is the purpose of God’s power----freedom. The Father’s, Jesus’, the Holy Spirit’s greatest desire is to see those who are children of God set free in every area of their lives.
If you are a child of God, God’s hand is upon you today. He is there with His power, His authority, His might, His strength, His ability to help you overcome and be an overcomer in this world. He is there to bring His power on the scene of your life to produce healing where there has been sickness and disease, to bring prosperity where there has been poverty, to bring victory where there has been defeat, to bring success where there has been failure. He is there for you. And this is not some little earthly promo where a motivator comes and gives you a motivation seminar to motivate you to do better. The world is doing the best it can with what it has, but it does not “hold a candle” to what God can do if we will open our lives to Him and allow Him to heal us, love us, prosper us, take care of us.
Oh, sometimes it overwhelms me, the awesome, unlimited power of His love, which is the sum total, the complete essence of His being. God is love. That’s all He is. His love is the pure power that created this universe and all that is in it. That which is created responds to its creator. Love created and everything responds to love.
What we must realize as God’s people is that God’s love is not some little “squishy” emotion that makes you feel good. God’s love is pure power. The greatest power in the universe is Love Himself, God Himself. Love is what runs this place. It is the fuel of the fullness of God’s Blessing. Love is what motivates everything and maintains everything and keeps everything running, operating. We must understand what God-love is. Ask Him today to give you a revelation of His love, which will actually be a revelation of His power.
The power of God is His love. I am going to say it every way that I can until you and I “get it.” We don’t need to learn about power; we need to learn about love. When we learn about love, we will have the power. Don’t seek power; seek love. In seeking love, you will find power. And you will use the power properly and not hurt anyone with it. This is the destination of the Body of Christ that God intends. All roads lead to love, not power. Everything points to the hand of God, which is the dwelling place of His power, which is where Love Himself resides. GOD IS LOVE! AND LOVE DWELLS IN YOU WHEN YOU ARE BORN AGAIN!
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