The Living Word Of His Power
You see, the people of this world think they operate in power when they are the head person, whether it be in their company or their nation. That is counterfeit power for the real thing. God is the real thing. His power is eternal, never-failing, always the same. You and I can count on the power of His Word. His Word never changes, just as He never changes. He and His Word are the same yesterday, today and forever.
What we read in His Word is His Truth which has already been established for all eternity. It will not change. It will work for whoever puts it to work. There is power in the Word of God. There is power in the Word of God to heal you. There is power in the Word of God to deliver you. There is power in the Word of God to take care of your financial needs. There is power in the Word of God to prosper you in all areas of your life.
Are there keys to opening the power of God’s Word in our lives? Of course there are. Let’s look at these keys. In order for the Word of God to operate in our lives and produce results, it or He must be first place in our lives. We must look to His Word first, before we look to the “fixes” of the world. Yes, there are things that we can do in the natural realm. And sometimes we must use those natural things that are available to us. My greatest concern, particularly for us here in America, is that we tend to look at the natural “fixes” first rather than God and His Word. These “fixes” are so readily available that we have this mentality in the back of our minds: If I can’t receive it by the Word, I can____________! His Word must be first.
When God’s Word is first place in our lives, we take time to read it, study it, meditate it, confess it. It becomes the most precious Word to us. There is no other word that takes priority over Him and His Word. We begin to realize the tremendous, dynamic power that is available to us through His Word. The more time we spend with Him and His Word, the more we realize that this is our ultimate source of strength, of power, of health, of financial well-being, of righteousness and sanctification. His Word is His will written on paper. His Word is His blueprint of His Kingdom operation.
God’s Word is our ultimate weapon. It is not a weapon of destruction but a weapon of love and completion. It is a weapon that will stand when all earthly weapons have been removed. God’s Word will stand throughout all eternity. His Word is His power. Why is that? God is the Word made flesh (John 1:1,14). God is love (1 John 4:8,16). God’s Love is the greatest power in the universe.
Today whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whatever is happening in your life-----Stop! Look! Listen to God’s Word! He will tell you what to do and give you the power to do it.
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