The Lord Made This Day
This scripture is very familiar to many of us; in fact, we speak it over our day when we get up. I believe that we have not looked at the true significance of this verse. Let’s do some digging.
In Genesis 1 and 2 God spoke; God made; God saw everything that He had made and it was very good. Everything that God made, including mankind, was very good or perfected or complete. He spoke it; His speaking made it; He considered it very good.
You and I were made in His image. That is very good. We are told that all the days of our lives are numbered in His book. Each new day has been made for you and me. God made them before the foundation of the earth. He made them before time began.
When we get up in the morning and rejoice over our day, before we even start into it, we are releasing the goodness of God into our day. We are coming into agreement with Him for the goodness of that day that He has made for us. Our agreement with God releases good things for us for that day. When we rejoice and are glad in the day, we release joy and love and peace and goodness for our day. Many of the things that our enemy, satan, has designed for us for that day will die unborn as we rejoice in the Lord. Our rejoicing sets God’s plans for us for that day into motion.
God is so good to us. In fact, that whole chapter of Psalm 118 is about God’s mercy enduring forever for us. Look at that chapter. The Lord is for us. It is better to trust in Him than to trust in man. The Lord is our strength. He is the song in our hearts. He is our victory. He is the One Who gives us success. He is our God. When we give thanks to Him for Who He is and for what He has made, we release what He has for us. We open the door for Him to do what He loves to do. He loves to make our days bright and full of His goodness. He loves to see us joyful and enjoying life to the “max.”
Now, say it with meaning and understanding:
I will rejoice. Do you see that statement? It is a statement of your will. I WILL rejoice. It is something you and I do on purpose. We say it on purpose. We deliberately declare or decree that we WILL rejoice. We WILL be glad in our day. It is our determination. It is our decision. When we get up, we must make a decision each day. Either we will grumble and complain or we will rejoice and be glad. The choice is ours. God has already made a good day for us. It is our choice to believe or not to believe it. Every day is a day to rejoice and be glad. The reason for our rejoicing is this: This is the day that the Lord has made for us. He has made it. He is in this new day. He has made it for you and me. Nobody else has made it. We can either agree with him or agree with the seemingly contradictory circumstances. Circumstances do not interfere with God’s making. He has designed the day. That is it! No devil, no contradictory circumstances, nothing is stronger than God.
In His mercy, in His Love, which is faithful to you and me, He has made a perfect day for us. We will rejoice and be glad in this day. We have our instructions from this Psalm. In fact, the very last verse says that we will give thanks to the Lord because He is good and because His Love endures forever. He loves us and has only good things for us to enjoy EVERY DAY! REJOICE! BE GLAD!
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