Authority and Power, Part 8
Today we look at our deliverance from the control of darkness. God is Light. In Him is no darkness at all, not one little tidbit. He is all Light. That is the way creation happened. God stepped out where there was darkness and said: Light in Me be! And Light was! By the way, the same thing happened to you when you were born again. When you said yes to Jesus, God basically was saying to you: Light in Me, be in you! Now we are called the light of the world as God (Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit) is called the light of the world, because He Who is Light is in us.
Colossians 1:13,14, KJV and Amplified Bible
The Father has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us, translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of His Love, in Whom we have and enjoy our redemption, our release is secured, our sins are forgiven through His blood.
It gives our dear Heavenly Father, who loves us intensely, great pleasure to see us delivered out of the control, the dominion of darkness. Darkness no longer has any control over us. Why? Because we have been delivered from darkness. Not only have we been delivered from darkness but we have been transferred into another Kingdom, the Kingdom of God, where Love is King and joy and peace reign. God’s Kingdom is a kingdom of light and love and life. Where He is, life is.
In Jesus, the Son of God’s Love, we have redemption. We have been redeemed from the power of the enemy, the adversary, the one who is in opposition to us, the devil. We have been released from his clutches forever. Our sins are forgiven forever. We are a free people. It’s all because of the blood of Jesus. When His blood was spilled on this earth, it sealed the covenant between God and man forever. We are forever free. When Jesus purchased our freedom, it was a permanent work. Nothing can change it. We come through His blood to stand pure and spotless in the eyes of our heavenly Father. Jesus’ blood is on the mercy seat of heaven forever declaring Life.
Celebrate your freedom today!
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