Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

God's Healing Touch

Have you ever been in a place, or maybe you are there now, where you needed to know that God was with you in a personal, touchable way? You know the Word says He is in you and you have accepted it by faith that He is there, but you would like to have some indication He knows what you need. Oh, come on now, don’t be so pious with me. We all have needed that, haven’t we?

Today, let’s talk about God’s healing power, His ability to take care of us in any situation.

The 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language defines healing as wholeness, soundness, to return to a sound state, to cure of a disease or wound and restore to soundness, or to that state of body in which the natural functions are regularly performed, to restore to soundness, to cure.

When something is sound or whole, it is in a state where it operates and functions the way it was created to function, without hindrance. It is complete, with nothing missing that would contribute to that perfect state of operation.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they lost the capacity for their bodies to stay sound, operating in the way that God had created them. Oh, but Jesus came and He paid the price for a sound physical body once again. When His blood was shed at that whipping post for our sicknesses and diseases, every stripe represented another category of disease where the body was concerned. And when He hung on that cross and took upon Himself all of the curse of the law, He took every symptom, pain, sickness and disease that would ever come on us. He took it all. Now we are free of the curse of the law. He became a curse so that the Blessing of Abraham might come on us. Part of that blessing is health and healing.

So, what are we to do when pain hits our body, when symptoms appear, when sickness attacks? We take authority over that pain, that symptom, that sickness and command it to leave. It comes from satan and we refuse to receive any of his package. He is a liar and a thief and a destroyer and a killer. We stand our ground. We refuse to let go of what Jesus has purchased for us. It is ours. It legally belongs to us. He is illegally trespassing on our bodies and he is to leave, to be evicted. He is not to be allowed to take up residence or even rent a room. We are the temples of the Holy Ghost. Jesus has bought and paid for us. We are not our own. We are bought with a price.

In Isaiah 53:4,5 and 1 Peter 2:24 we are told that with the stripes that wounded Jesus we are healed and made whole. In other words, we are restored to health. We are restored to soundness and wholeness.

I think that is the best news I have ever heard. Believe what the Word of God says is yours personally. Trust the Lord to bring to pass in your life personally what His Word says about healing. Choose to believe that you will be made whole. Choose to believe that Jesus took care of your own body and freed you from sickness and disease.

We all live on this earth and we all will have to battle symptoms from time to time and pain that attempts to convince us that there is something dreadfully wrong with us. Just say, NO! No, you don’t. You are not taking my health from me. It belongs to me. I have received it as a gift from my Father, and I refuse to give you my gift, satan. Git!!!!!

We have to stand our ground and refuse to give up territory which has been gained. We stand firm in the face of every contradictory word spoken over us and every report given to us that is contrary to the Word of God. That is our stand. So what if the doctor tells you that you are going to die? So what if the report comes back positive? Whose report do you believe? What does the Word have to say about that? You have Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. He is the power of God. He is the life of God. How can two live in the same space? Life is living in you and death has no room. I love Proverbs 12:28 which tells us that in our pathway is life and there is no death. Take that scripture, believe it, dwell on it until it becomes more real to you than any doctor’s report that is contrary to life and health. It takes a while to renew our minds, but we can renew our minds to think the way God thinks. God thinks like this: LIFE! HEALTH! HEALING! His Word says this: LIFE! HEALTH! HEALING! And what are we to say then over ourselves? LIFE! HEALTH! HEALING!

Healing is yours. It is the touch of the Master on your life forever, eternally. Take it. It belongs to you.