He's All I Need
When you get up in the morning, Jesus is all you need. When you eat your breakfast, Jesus is all you need. When you go to work, Jesus is all you need. When you come home at night, Jesus is all you need. When you eat your dinner, Jesus is all you need. When you go to bed at night, Jesus is all you need.
Do you get the picture? Jesus is all we will ever need for whatever comes our way. He is the Anointed One with the anointing. He has come to dwell in us by the power of His Spirit, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads us and guides us into all the Truth, the whole, full Truth because He is the Truth-Giving Spirit of God. He supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory. And where is the glory? Christ is in you, the hope of glory. The glory is in you. Jesus said that He gave us the glory that He had been given. He is our hope, our glory, the lifter of our soul (mind, will and emotions) and our soon-coming King.
He will come as King this time, in all His splendor and excellence. He will come with the fullness of His power. Are you ready for the fullness of His power? Before you are so quick to answer that question: Are you really ready? You know that the fullness of His power is more than a human body can stand before. The fullness of His power is for those who have prepared a place for His power, for His fullness. When His power sweeps in, all that is of sin and impurity is burned up. If that is the mostly what is in you, how will you stand before Him?
I am on a quest. That quest is this. Lord, purify me, sanctify me and make me a vessel that is a pure vessel in which you love to dwell. I want to please Him and enjoy Him and have Him enjoy me.
Let Him prepare your vessel for the fullness of His indwelling Presence. I know that is the desire of His heart. My prayer is that He will make that the desire of your heart. He loves you so much. He wants to do everything for you. He absolutely adores you as His very own. He came; He died; He bore everything for you. Look to Him for your everything. That is a pure place of rest and enjoyment.
He’s all you need. He’s your healer. He’s your provider. He’s your covenant keeper. He’s the One on Whom you can lean and rely. He’s your shepherd to lead you and guide you and feed you. He’s the One Who is always there, never leaving you nor forsaking you. He has made a way for you to be victorious in every part of your life. He’s your peace. He’s your righteousness. He’s your sanctifier. He’s your everything.
He has provided you with His nature so that the fruit of His Spirit can be the fruit of your spirit. He is love. He is life. He is light. He brings you love, peace, joy, gentleness, meekness, kindness, long-suffering, faithfulness, self-control. He brings you the gifts of His Spirit to help you to operate in this earth.
What else do you need? He is all you need.
Believe He is all you need. Focus on that statement. Speak that statement. Confess that statement day and night. He is all you need.
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